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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Salutations to you, dear readers. I am forever cheering to share with you the most promising ideas and start-ups from the world of crypto-currencies. They are formulated in order to facilitate our life with you and to transform the world in the future


"The expectation is in the chain; blockchain technology that restricts everyone from cheating!"

It is no longer doubt that Blockchain is presently the most revolutionary technologies that are appearing in the field of information technology, that help to connect data (blocks)chronologically so as to be effective to form an inalterable and traceable records of transactions through the process of supporting a shared ledger in a network on multiple nodes. Blockchaintechnologypossessa core value which lies in the establishment of a secure and inalterable categorised ledger system.

The DNA industry is improving at a huge pace. With the cost of whole-genome sequencing decreasing dramatically – from about $10 billion in 2000 to now only a few hundred dollars – the occasions that lie in knowing more about individuals’ makeup are finally being realized. Grand View Research proposed that the DNA sequencing market will grow from $4.15 billion in 2016 to $15.9 billion by 2025, and CB Insights showed investment in genomics startups rose from $500 billion in 2013 to over $3 billion in 2017. And it’s not just investors who have shown interest – insurers such as MassMutual, Anthem, United Healthcare and CMS have all partnered with genomics companies in a bid to accumulate more data.

DNA technology is developing at an accelerating rate every year. While initially, the sequencing (decoding) service was expensive (the first full decoding of the human genome cost the US taxpayers $2.7 billion), now hundreds of companies can do it at a reasonable price. The technology has improved to the point where anyone can buy a portable sequencer (no bigger than an ordinary USB drive), which connects to a laptop and makes the process of DNA decoding simple.

There are DNA databases, genomic banks, and storages in many countries that are related to study diseases, search for cancer treatment drugs, and conduct many other types of research. The amount of processed and collected genetic information is estimated at hundreds of petabytes [1 petabyte is 1 million gigabytes] per year, and the growth rates are nearly exponential. There is a chance that a part of the data stored on the centralized servers can be compromised by hackers and the information has become vulnerable.


Genomequity plans to create a collaborative platform that rewards users for sharing their DNA with researchers. Our aim is to establish one of the world's largest collections of genetic

Our vision is to create a platform that allows users to receive compensation for sharing their
DNA with researchers.

Users share genetic information by submitting physical samples and by supplying supplemental personal knowledge through sponsored surveys. Individual users’ genetic data can be anonymized and aggregated to create a large, dynamic database of
genetic data that can be shared or sold to researchers.

We plan to establish an open platform, where third-party developers and service providers can build applications and sell additional services to users, including further DNA analysis and genetic counselling. Contributing users’ DNA units will only need to be actually processed one time, and then can be digitally filed, searched, analyzed, and queried numerous times, therefore lowering the cost of sample acquisition and analysis for researchers and allowing for opportunities for users to constantly gain new insights from their DNA with just one physical sample.


Genomequity manages the database of genetic data. The company sells DNA collection tools and genetic reports to users and sells access to the genetic information database to researchers. Genomequity also charges a fee to third parties that sell applications and services on the terrace.

Users purchase DNA collection kits from Genomequity and carry in their DNA samples for processing. In turn, they receive genetic reports and receive access to a digital DNA profile in the system. Users may choose to engage in online research studies sponsored by researchers and receive compensation for sharing additional data. Users may also choose to share their genetic profile with third party aid providers and purchase additional tests or services from them.

Pharmaceutical companies, educational researchers, and biotech companies pay fees to obtain and search the database of genetic information. They may also pay fees to sponsor custom surveys offered to the user field. A portion of these fees may be given to users as an encouragement to participate in the surveys and continuously improve the database.

Service Providers
Service Providers trade genetic tests and services to users. Users grant these providers reach to their stored digital DNA profiles, and these providers perform additional analysis on the stored

Third party laboratories provide the assistance necessary to extract, purify, and analyze user DNA samples. Physical DNA samples from the collection materials are sent to outside laboratories, and the laboratories provide Genomequity with the analysis results. Physical samples are then transmitted to third-party biobanks.

Third party biobanks maintain remnant samples for long term frozen area. The samples may later be used in further studies or sold to researchers.


All internal activities within the Genomequity platform are carried using Genomequity utility tokens, which can be the best thought of as tradable software access rights

Token name: GEQ
Total token supply: 100,000,000
Public offering: 30,000,000
Genomequity Fund: 60,000,000
Team: 10,000,000
Softcap: $2million
Haedcap: 20million



For researchers:

Access benefits to search and download data from the genetic database.
Access rights to design and conduct custom surveys on the platform.
For application developers and aid providers:

Access rights to sell services on the platform.
For users:

Access conservatives to use services on the platform.
In our economic model, users may earn tokens for submitting samples to the platform and for
participating in sponsored investigation studies. Users may then use those tokens to purchase DNA analysis assistance from Genomequity or its third party service providers.





Website: https://www.genomequity.com/
Whitepaper: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a03aa0baeb6253caba88328/t/5bd612c424a69425bd0f04f7/1540756165995/Genomequity+Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/genomequity
Contact: info@genomequity.com


Bounty0x Username: @walesodiya
BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2160355

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