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In case you're thinking blockchain is only a promoting popular expression conjured up by nerds and digital money lovers, you couldn't be all the more off-base. At the point when utilized accurately, blockchain has genuine use cases that give arrangements not found in some other innovation. From portable installments, production network the executives, and delivery to fringe control, land library, and vitality appropriation, blockchain innovation is being used in an energizing number of ways.

Blockchain innovation is offering genuine change for everything from worldwide businesses to specialized techniques. Because of its straightforwardness, expanded trust, and diminished dependence on outsiders, blockchain innovation is being utilized to store business information, confirm pictures/recordings, and even abatement protection costs. Since a blockchain appropriated record is hard to degenerate, more prominent trust is accomplished in decentralized information. So as to change the information on the record, everybody on the dispersed record would need to consent to the information change (not going to occur!).

About The Geoma DAO

The Geoma DAO, through the Geoma Dao Association, is a solid backer for Blockchain Technology and its implementation. Service will be offered to Companies that search to improve their presentation in the Economy utilizing the Blockchain. The capability of a DAO is tremendous has still to be investigated. It is given by the Intelligence, the Know-How and the high Moral Standards of its givers. The patrons can make a dynamic proposition inside the DAO focusing on creative advances from various areas like Energy, Farming, Healthcare, Insurance just to refer to certain models.

Next to this, the DAO will make capital open doors for its individuals through a portion of the accompanying recommendations:


The land is one of the exemplary income makers. Geoma DAO will connect with this market from one perspective structure proprietorship, which can be leased for the month to month benefits, and then again purchasing and exchanging properties.

Nourishment Tech

The nourishment business takes into account the most essential of human needs. Notwithstanding, throughout the years, the industry has developed impractical and numerous progressions will happen sooner rather than later. The change will be driven by three principle drivers: Demographic changes, ecological advancements and changes in buyer conduct - all of which will influence, and be influenced by, new advances. The new needs will be met utilizing improvements in FoodTech, a part which is relied upon to reach $ 700 billion by 2030. Mechanical Farming is one of those new advancements. The Geoma DAO will engage right now of up and coming advancements.

Human services

Developing Medicinal Cannabis in a controlled situation is an open door that is opened up through the authorization of Medicinal Cannabis all through Europe and the World ... An EU Commission report shows that the Medicinal Cannabis Market will arrive at 56 billion Euros in 2035. opportunity and make capital for its individuals.


The World is eager for maintainable Energy. New Technologies in Energy Production is rising step by step. As we leave the old world dependent on petroleum derivatives and progress into the world with clean Energy the Geoma DAO will make a move right now.


DAO, as an administrative structure, isn't surely known by the overall population. The greater part of us is so up to speed in the present framework that the idea of DAO is by all accounts sci-fi. What we can be sure of is that the Company's structure was worked as a model with boundless extension. Boundless development is beyond the realm of imagination. As a result of its structure, such a model will come up short. Yet, before doing as such, he will do everything to expand benefits. We arrived at where development halted. What's more, see what we leave.

Economy, riches, and prosperity in socially cognizant ways. It takes some instruction and fortitude to turn into a DAO part and take an interest in political race recommendations and activities. Be that as it may, DAO, whenever shaped accurately from the beginning, can make things impossible for a person.

DAO GEOMA is the main task executed by DAO. The world is changing and we should adjust through dynamic innovation. Blockchain, Digibyte, ensures that Geoma DAO individuals will get 100% of the advantages created by this action.

GMD tokens that utilization ERC20 tokens must be viewed as utility tokens. This gives the token holder the option to propose, vote and partake in arrange exercises. This can be viewed as a security token. what we know As exhibited by Howey's test, speculation contracts exist when there is interest in cash out in the open organizations with sensible desires so benefits can be created from different endeavours. Regardless of whether certain advanced resources meet the test at the hour of their offer or deal relies upon specific realities and conditions.

In conclusion, the purpose of a DAO should be to create wealth for its participants and distribute this wealth fairly via the Blockchain to every contributor. Some of the visible benefits would be: The creation of Financial Freedom, cutting off the Middleman and the absence of a Pyramid shaped Leadership structure.


Website: https://www.thegeomadao.com/
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/186LX27VMtGh3Pe6dDSXiIZ7LmvVdyeyP/view
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5216619.0
Telegram: https://t.me/geomachat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegeomadao
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCys4E09zDz9xjlyKiBZwr_g?view_as=subscriber
Github: https://github.com/Arthur267
Medium: https://medium.com/@thegeomadao
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoma-dao-b0a612189/

AUTHOR: walesodiya
BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2160355
Wallet Address: 0x2Df783e72D852C27009249e4239C9e794866e855

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