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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

Lead Wallet

The genuine quintessence of blockchain and cryptographic money is to disperse dynamic forces from focal specialists and enormous powerhouses through decentralization. One of the all the more fascinating highlights of cryptographic money is that it can't be constrained by any brokers or specialists. On stages like Bitcoin arrange where the structure is shared, the exchange of genuine worth doesn't require the commitment of any focal force, since trades are endorsed by a circulated set of diggers that exist on the framework. Tragically the idea of decentralization which exists as the premise of digital currency has not been totally received in cryptographic money trades. Dominant part of famous trades with gigantic exchanging volumes are planned on unified structure as opposed to on decentralized system.

While blockchain innovation has been momentous for business and organization in light of the degree of straightforwardness and security, it is still up to cryptographic money trades and their customers to ensure significant data and resources

I have utilized diverse cryptographic money exchanging stages and seen that most different clients are frequently confounded about settling on decision of digital currency trades because of a portion of the issues looked on the stages. These various issues, for example, instability, versatility, convenience, straightforward client experience and a lot more are the reasons why the MoonX stage is made. Moonx will change the crypto exchange structure especially in its push to making it people arranged and liberated from all go betweens and powerhouses.

Lead Wallet

To take care of these issues, Lead Wallet was conceived, Lead Wallet is a decentralized multi-crypto wallet application that permits clients to safely store their crypto resources. Lead Wallet bolsters various digital forms of money, for example, BTC, ETH, VOL, LAMB, LTC, stablecoins, ERC-20 tokens, and more than 100 more cryptographic forms of money. To make our foundation significantly increasingly advantageous for clients, the Lead Wallet group utilizes the best User Interface and security practices to improve the utilization of our foundation's capacities over all systems.


Lead Token is the local money that powers the items and administrations that are conveyed on Lead Wallet. In this manner making Lead token an utility token as it will be expected to get to some significant assistance zones of Lead Wallet.

The LEAD Token is an ERC-20 token that energizes the items and administrations that are conveyed on Lead Wallet. With this, LEAD token is fundamentally the core of Lead Wallet application. LEAD token is structured starting from the earliest stage to have common interest as the administrations of Lead Wallet themselves get increasingly well known.

LEAD token is structured with a deflationary fiscal framework whereby 30% of Lead Wallet quarterly benefits are utilized to buy LEAD from the trades and these repurchased tokens are for all time consume.

On the off chance that you decide to stake your LEAD tokens with your Lead wallet application, you will have the option to get up to 35% staking rewards.

Holders of LEAD Token will have the chance to share up to 15% of Lead Wallet's yearly net benefit for at least three years.

Numerous digital money extends out there don't generally mind where the regular interest for their tokens would originate from. Lead Wallet and LEAD token are intended to become together. More clients for the administrations would mean increasingly characteristic interest for the LEAD token too.


To appreciate all the items and administrations offered by Lead Wallet, as an iOS or Android client, you should simply to make a beeline for the Android play store or iOS application store to download Lead Wallet. It takes not exactly a moment to set up your Lead wallet record to begin profiting by Lead wallet administrations.


We are doing whatever it takes not to rehash an already solved problem. We are doing whatever it takes not to make another blockchain environment that no one would utilize. We comprehend the most concerning issue with digital money reception is the absence of easy to understand and perfectly planned applications. Digital money wallets are the passage to appropriation as they are the principal application that newcomers regularly interface with before they begin cooperating with different sorts of applications. We are attempting to be the pioneer of that selection.

Primary Highlights:

You will have the option to in a flash swap starting with one crypto resource then onto the next by utilizing our Swap highlight. Our crypto wallet is intended to be as easy to understand as conceivable with negligible expectations to learn and adapt. For instance, you will have the option to right away swap from BTC to ETH or from BTC to USDT or any bolstered crypto resources.

This Lead highlight permits clients to hold PoS based coins and other related coins by staking them legitimately in their Lead Wallet account, in return for a specific measure of stake compensations as per how the blockchain rewards clients who staked coins.

Cryptographic forms of money are intended to be spent like genuine monetary standards. The Lead C-commercial center spot is synonymous to an e-commercial center where products are traded carefully. Consequently, with the C-commercial center recorded in Lead Wallet, clients can spend their digital forms of money on the products and ventures legitimately on the Lead Wallet application.

Advantage points of lead wallet:

Bring clients comfort and security;

Spare time working, moving;

Effectively make installments, move and get cash;

Can perform inquiries about the record, know the vacillations in his record quickest.

With my little involvement in digital forms of money, I trust that this article of mine will bring the most target perspective on lead wallet.

Token Information

● Encryption: Lead

● Token type: ERC20

● Offering price: 0.03USD

● Total tokens: 400,000,000,00.

For more details, visit:

Website: https://leadwallet.io/
Whitepaper: https://leadwallet.io/docs/whitepaper
Telegram: https://t.me/leadwallet
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leadwallet/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/leadwallet
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LeadWallet/
Medium: https://medium.com/@LeadWallet
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/leadwallet/
Github: https://github.com/leadwallet/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtYmCwQar24UGt_RfZufb8A

BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2160355
Wallet Address: 0x2Df783e72D852C27009249e4239C9e794866e855

0.487 GOLOS
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