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С уважением, команда “Голос”
8 лет назад

Оптическая иллюзия

So a simple change of color can make a picture come to life.

Look at exactly 30 seconds without blinking, then glancing at someone's face, an object, or to another picture.

Workout for the eyes... or brain. After the relocation of parts of the triangle suddenly, there is a free space.
The answer is simple: actually the shape is not a triangle, the "hypotenuse" of the bottom of the triangle is a broken line. It is possible to determine the cells.

At first glance it seems that all the lines are curved, but in fact they are parallel. The illusion was discovered by R. Gregory in the cafe Wall (Wall) in Bristol. Therefore, this paradox is called "the Wall cafe".

See thirty seconds to the middle of the picture, and then move the eyes to the ceiling or a white wall and blinked. Who did you see?

The optical effect that creates in the viewer a false idea, as is a chair. The illusion is due to the original design of the chair.

English NO (NO) is converted to YES (YES) with curved letters.

Source: http://ktotak.ru/blog/obman_zrenija_kartinki_illjuzii_s_pojasnenijami/2015-07-21-57

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