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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Facebook will create its own cryptocurrency

The most discussed virtual currency of the time 'cryptocurrency'. Facebook is going to jump into cryptocarrency Facebook will create its own currency, such as Vitarka currency, Bitcoin, in the world. However, Facebook's digital cash system has not been named yet. This exchange of currency with friends by WhatsApp can be done.

Earlier in January this year, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg had expressed his interest in cryptocurrency.

According to a UK-based The Sun online report, Facebook is thinking of launching it as a durable currency because of the price of Facebook's cryptocurrency bits that can not fluctuate like Bitcoin. With this you will be adding WhatsApp Money Transfer and payment system. It will be a great job for the Facebook Marketplace.

Facebook's internal sources said that Bloomberg will check the beginning of the currency in the market in India, Facebook.

A Facebook spokesman said that checking the power of Blackchain-technology is seeing the possibility of using Facebook and its crypto-technology applications in a number of applications. The matter is yet to be developed.

Technology company Sippsis analyst Steve Gigueri said that Facebook is going to enter new and risky technology sectors.

The concept of identifying the user's wallet is more risky. There is also a risk of wallet applications hack. The results of such research are still late. Earlier, Facebook would have to be clear about personal information. Apart from that, the general public will not keep money on Facebook with confidence in Facebook.

Earlier Zuckerberg said he had started his studies. He is studying with the most discussed 'cryptocurrency' at this time. Zuckerberg said about the goal of the new year, he planned to study cryptocurrency and decentralization technology this year. He has read about positive and negative issues related to cryptocurrency and encryption (security software).

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