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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Credit - Open source blockchain software protocol, fully decentralized

Hello friends all still with me Ade prayoga. This time I will provide information about a very interesting project for you to know about in a new cryptocurrency called Credits. Before heading to the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still needs efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future.


Credits Enterprise is a vendor company, established to develop, adapt and integrate personal blockchain solutions, based on the Credit protocol, into existing businesses. Enterprise Credit is a method for viewing business in a new way, presenting ease of use, access facilities and data security around the world. Reducing operational costs and increasing business efficiency is possible through Credit solutions.

The main objective is to develop a platform capable of helping blockchain technology to be adopted en masse. Credit Enterprise was founded in 2018 as a vendor and software integrator company.

Supply Chain platform


Software designed for automation, management, and control of the delivery of goods and services on all stages providing full transparency of transactions and reduction of operating costs.


All shipments and charges are recorded in the platform based on blockchain. A manufacturer or a retailer with a significant number of customers and suppliers deploys the software, to which all their partners connect.

The platform allows you to create algorithms for its operation in automatic mode. For example, upon the purchase of goods by an end consumer payment is automatically transferred and reward accrual is formed.

At the time of goods or services delivery, a shipment is formed, and all data is recorded in the Credits Supply Chain Platform.

The main feature is that the platform is based on blockchain technology which makes it independent.

  • The data about shipments and transactions cannot be deleted, changed, or falsified.
  • The solution provides conclusive evidence to prove the delivery.

This solution allows for achieving a high level of transparency and creating trust in interactions between suppliers and buyers.

Bonoox Loyalty Platform


Platform facilitating brand loyalty programs. Issue loyalty points as a token on the Credits blockchain platform for enhanced customer interaction and results.

  • Loyalty program SaaS
  • Customized solution



We offer 3 options for launching brand loyalty program for your business:

  • SaaS web-based Bonoox.com platform
  • Integration into the existing Bonoox system
  • Launch of separate Bonoox platform on the private blockchain

Credits blockchain allows distributing of loyalty points, attracting new customers, traffic generation and increased customer interaction.

New points can be sent not only within the frames of the current campaign but can also be sent to customers and partners outside the system.

Credits Bonoox Loyalty Platform allows issuance of loyalty points and the federation of multiple points programs into one system. This ensures the effect of brand loyalty program for major and international systems with customers from all over the world.

Field of Application

Applicable to the companies with a significant number of customers and suppliers with high geographical distance.

  • Major companies.
  • Big regional companies.
  • Medium-sized industry companies.
  • Small and micro companies.
  • Internet companies of any size.

Different implementations depend on requirements


The SaaS Cabinet is integrated with CRM and management of all processes implemented in the website interface. It is suitable for small and new companies.

Private Blockchain. Because it stores data on the company's local server, it is suitable for large and medium-sized companies or projects with high volumes of stored data.

Platform component for integrated implementation of the Loyalty program


  • Platform with role-based access for different program participants.
  • API for integration with customer’s accounting systems.
  • Credits Public blockchain storage for high transparency of all operations.
  • Mobile interface to reach your mobile-centric audiences.
  • System for development and execution of owner’s programs customization.

Tokenization Platform


A platform for the tokenization of assets based on Public or private blockchain for financial companies.


Emission and circulation of financial assets on Credits blockchain infrastructure give a new form and technical implementation to the traditional banking and financial products using the principles of blockchain on the Credits platform.

The company can issue financial assets on the Credits public blockchain or a specially deployed private blockchain to protect data privacy.

A Token is a tool that allows for the transformation of physical or virtual assets into a digital asset on the Credits blockchain.

Use cases:

  • The national currency, bonds, promissory notes,
  • Bank guarantees, etc.
  • Securities: shares, certificates, and cheques.
  • Others: movie tickets, contractual agreements, financial statements, and reports, etc.

Analysts estimate that almost 50% of financial assets (shares, bonds, national currency) will be tokenized during the next 20 years. According to them, market depth amounts to $4 quadrillion USD.

Digital assets issued on a blockchain have the same properties but are technically implemented differently:

  • Products are issued on Credits blockchain and circulated within it and between the accounts (not within government systems).
  • Possibility to use a new asset and integrate it with other services: exchanges, traditional banks, debit cards, etc.
  • Transfers of digital assets directly between the network accounts bypassing intermediaries: banks, SWIFT, card services, etc.

Due to that, traditional products are implemented at a whole new level.

For more information about Poryek Credits see the link below:


Username: dey90
BItcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=731808

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