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4 года назад

Do you use the Justice protocol from Kleros?


With a name that sounds like a comic book, the Judicial Protocol has been announced by Kleros. The basic concept is simple, this is a layer of dispute resolution that according to Kleros can be applied to anything. The company said its vision was: "to establish a judicial protocol for the Internet."

That's a bold claim. To explain where they come from, Federico Ast, CEO and Clément Lesaege, CTO has released a white paper describing how Kleros works in detail. In their abstract they say: "Kleros is a decentralized application built on Ethereum that functions as a decentralized third party to mediate disputes in each type of contract, from the very simple to the very complex. That depends on the game's theoretical incentives to make the jury set the case correctly. The result is a dispute resolution system that provides the highest judgment in a fast, cheap, reliable and decentralized way. "

What is PNK Kleros?

Kleros is an open source project created with the aim of being a decentralized and autonomous organization that will be able to provide justice that is fast, affordable, and transparent. The company will use blockchain and crowdsourcing technology to evaluate complex evidence and solve legal problems in a fast and efficient way.

Clearly, Kleros does not have jurisdiction over "real" law, but this program can be used to regulate a lot of cyberspace space without the need for official government intervention, which is generally slow and will be too much to solve problems because it already has many real-life problems to solve.

This opens space for Kleros to be used on a decentralized platform to help in evaluating disputes between users which are usually ignored by general justice.

How does Kleros work?

The starting point is an agreement between the parties built on the Kleros system. As part of the agreement, both parties agreed that the disagreement would use the Kleros Court as a mechanism of dispute. They agreed which court would decide the dispute, the number of jurors and the possible outcome. As soon as a dispute arises, one or both parties begin the settlement process. The person who started the dispute fills out a form explaining the claim.

These claims are then allocated to specific subregions in the Kleros system. Prospective judges with domain-specific expertise and who are seeking arbitration work enter the Kleros system. They found cases that were within their ability to govern. If they are interested, they pay a fee to mediate. The fee is paid in cash. This is the token used in the Kleros system. The more jury members pay, the more likely they will be allocated to this case.

Each case is controlled by several judges. They each get an email and a period of time to make a decision. After they voted, the disputing parties were notified of the decision. At this point the jury members are paid for their involvement in Pinakion.

Why not just use smart contracts?

One big claim for blockchain is the use of smart contracts. The term smart contract has been around for more than two decades thanks to Nick Szabo. They are designed to be independent or independent based on the criteria coded in the contract. The challenge with smart contracts is that they are not designed to resolve disputes.

When the conditions encoded in the smart contract are fulfilled, it executes the code. This is very good if the condition is that 100 widgets are sent to the factory. The process of making, shipping and arrival are all recorded on the blockchain. If less than 100 arrives, it depends on how the blockchain and shipping process are arranged, the point of loss and who carries the loss is also determined.

This is the approach taken by Mahindra. Goods from small suppliers are checked into the shipping chain at the point where they are paid for what they have sent. Because there is a blockchain record of who is taking control of the goods and where they are going, that means the point of loss and responsibility is more accurately identified.

But what if it's about functionality in software? This is an example used in white paper. Performance and functionality are rarely fully specified in most software contracts. Kleros provides an opportunity to handle the resolution by using a jury skilled in software design. As a result, this increases smart contracts that do not replace them.

How does Kleros validate the jury members?

This is a more interesting question. The world is full of experts who claim to be themselves. If the aim here is to bring subject matter expertise, Kleros needs to understand more about the judges. This does not mean that the jury members' personal details are exposed to those seeking resolution.

One solution that can be applied here is a blockchain based skill solution. IBM and Sony have built such an education system. It records all educational records for individuals from school to degree or doctorate. This system can even be integrated into the company's HR system to record post-education qualifications.

This makes it very difficult for anyone to enter false degrees into the system. Even if the degree is entered, as soon as the organization that provides it is open, all records can be marked as invalid.

In a normal court, expert witnesses are expected to be able to prove why they should be accepted in court. This is based on educational and professional qualifications. There is no reason why this should be the case for Kleros. In fact, it can be said that because the judges equally bid for work and are paid for their arbitration, their skills must be proven and recorded.

What does this mean?

This is an interesting evolution of dispute resolution. This opens a resolution process for those who have limited funds, especially when disputing parties are based in various countries.

At present, Kleros is still being developed and there are questions that need to be addressed. For example, how will it integrate with the wider legal system? While the agreement between the two parties to be bound by Kleros is recorded on the blockchain, will it be accepted by the applicable legal system?

In the US, several countries now see the potential for blockchain. It will be interesting to see if Kleros can make an agreement with them to be accepted as a legitimate alternative to appearing in court.

Important Information about Kleros:


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