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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


A cryptocurrency exchange platform is indeed a familiar project. However, it becomes an anticipated thing if this project involves experienced brokers who created a forex trading platform. IronX is a joint venture project of two entities that have mastery in their respective fields, namely IronFX in the field of forex trading and EmurgoHK in the field of digital currency. The project from these two large entities certainly has a great opportunity to succeed in the future.
Business Concept
After reviewed the business concept from the IronX whitepaper, I saw that the IronX's business concept had good and logical qualities. Today, many cryptocurrency trading platforms and websites were created by inexperienced developers and companies, thus bring up various problems: (1) not complying with or having no regulation; (2) slow; (3) bad interface; (4) not safe (frequently hacked); (5) customer support is not responsive to handle complaints; etc.

Since IronFX has the experience to create a high-performance forex trading platform, the idea of making a large-scale digital currency trading platform could pretty much be realized. Like forex and stock trading in general, there are key success factors, such as:

Comply with the regulations (for customer protection);
Its architecture has a very fast and robust performance;
High-level data security and confidentiality;
The user interface is intuitive and easy to use; and
Quality service support.

The IronX project promises to create a product that can accommodate these key success factors, and in my opinion, the possibilities are large enough to be realized.

Marketing Strategy
Because IronFX (forex) already has a user base of 1.2 million retail users, this JV project has already had more value from the beginning (if some of the existing users proceed to join the IronX trading platform). Furthermore, there is a bounty program managed by a reputable bounty manager (btcltcdigger) which would make user acquisitions become more rapid.

In addition, IronX is also actively involved in conferences such as at The Asia Blockchain, and FinTech (ABF) conference which was held on 27/10/2018 until 01/11/2018. By the way, IronX also became a sponsor in this event.
IronX Team
The IronX team comes from IronFX management and assisted by EmurgoHK advisors. Thus, this JV project is very likely to be materialized because it is an expansion of an established company. Of course, its members are the people who have experience in the development of a trading platform.
Investment Feasibility
This project has already pocketed 22 million dollars through private sales so it will definitely be implemented, and on public sales today (04/11/2018), IronX has collected 22.3 million dollars. In my opinion, a progressive bonus scheme based on the amount of investment (not time) is a fair scheme for investors.

After doing this simple research, I think this ICO is NOT a scam, because:

Is a joint venture project of established companies;
Realistic business model;
Has a full license from Estonia;
The identity of the team members is genuine, there is a youtube video that proves this statement;
The team active in various conferences; and
Supported by a reputable bounty manager.
The above facts show that this IRX token is worth to be collected and is pretty unlikely that this is a scam project.

ANN Thread:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5059654.msg47422752#msg47422752
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IronXExchange/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IronXExchange


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