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8 лет назад

#11 как выучить русский язык/How To Learn Russian - Жизнь Достоевского(часть 2)/The Life of Dostoyevsky(part 2)

Помощь носителей языка Английский с Голосе.

Helping native English speakers with Golos.

In this eleventh chapter lets take a look at the second part of Dostoyevsky's fascinating life.

We left him last time awaiting the firing squad after being convicted of revolutionary activities...

The soldiers loaded their guns

The soldiers

The soldier

The gun

Dostoyevsky waited
Достоевский ждал

He waited to die
Он ждал, чтобы умереть

Ready, Aim...
Готов, Цель...

A messenger approached
Посланник пришел

From the Tsar
От царя

The Tsar

The death sentence was rescinded. Instead Dostoyevsky instead spent four years in a Siberian prison. After which he served as a private in the army...

Dostoyevsky was released.
Достоевский был освобожден.

He married
Он женился

He wrote Crime and Punishment
Он написал Преступление и наказание

He had a child.
У него был ребенок

The child died.
Ребенок умер

Dostoyevsky wept
Достоевский плакал

The couple travelled to Europe.
Пара путешествовала по Европе

Dostoyevsky was addicted to gambling
Достоевский пристрастился к азартным играм

He lost his money
Он потерял свои деньги

He lost his wife's money
Он проиграл деньги своей жены

He also lost all his wife's mother's money and his wife's brother's money

His wife died
Его жена умерла

Dostoyevsky returned to Russia and made a deal with a publisher. He had one year to deliver a manuscript. If he failed to deliver it in time, the publisher would own the rights to all his past and future work. After eleven months he had written...nothing...

He panicked
Он запаниковал

He could not finish
Он не мог закончить

He was worried he would lose everything
He was worried he would потерять все

to lose


He hired a secretary
Он нанял секретаря

He finished the novel after 26 days of dictation
Он закончил роман

He finished on the final day
Он закончил в последний день

The future was secure
Будущее было безопасным

He asked the secretary to marry him
Он попросил секретаря выйти за него замуж

She said yes
Она сказала "Да"

to be continued...

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