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7 лет назад

#12 как выучить русский язык/How To Learn Russian - изучение лексики/learning vocabulary

So it's been a while since I last posted a Russian lesson. I'm sure some of you must have improved tremendously whilst I've been away. Good. I'm happy. You should be happy too.

Putin Thumbs Up.jpg

Now I'm back for a bit. However this time, instead of vocabulary or cultural knowledge I thought I'd provide you with something a little different. I have for you today something old fashioned but effective; A solid practical methodology for learning Russian vocabulary...

Russian Handwriting.jpg

Easy Peasey eh?

One of the key aspects of learning a new skill is memory. Like different plants, the roots of learning can penetrate to different depths. It's easy to memorise something which will stay in your mind for 5 minutes... but will it stick? With this method the words you learn should root themselves deeply in your memory. You'll be using a proven methodology to 'hack' new things into your brain.

Brain Tree.png

You will need some things.

Pieces of card or paper to write vocabulary on
Five folders to store the cards

First you need to write some vocab. Make an effort. Write it neatly. If you take pride in these steps you'll be more likely to persevere.

russian flashcard.jpg

Next you need to label your folders. Label one with each of the following:


1 Day

3 Days

7 Days

21 Days

Now comes the methodology.

These folders become an extension of your mind. Every new piece of vocabulary starts in 'NEW'. Every day you check your folders and test yourself on each piece of vocabulary. If you get it right it moves up a folder. If you get it wrong it goes back in 'New'.

Together your folders represent a sort of learning diary. 'New' is checked every day, as is 'Day 1'. 'Day 3' is checked; you guessed it - every three days. And so on...

This system works by forcing things from your sort term memory into your long term memory. And once the word passes out of the 21 days folder, you'll probably remember it for a long time.

Unless you get a bump in the head...

putin trump bump.jpg

Let me know how you get on...

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