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6 лет назад

Azbit -Blockchain Investment Banking Platform

This platform has a sophisticated system which helps people to use cryptocurrencies just like what they want. Azbit will give conventional budgetary administrations to crypto activities and private clients, and additionally access to speculation items. They don’t need to use any other platform only to use, safe, or even invest their cryptocurrencies. Interestingly, the platform is connecting the traditional banking system with a new banking system.

Established certain rules within the cryptocurrency market, cash flow is placed under serious control. Often this leads to stopping the project or some of its functions. What makes people postpone and even cancel their plan to use cryptocurrencies is because they thought that it will be difficult to do. The need to make sure that there is a system or platform which can make them use the cryptocurrencies easier just like when they use fiat money. The Azbit project team has been working for a long time on expanding the functionality of the service. In the course of creation, the project was thoroughly checked by consultants, which in the future may be a good advantage for investors.

Azbit launch makes a decentralized platform application, which has countless that might be newcomers have each opportunity to figure out how to secure for function in the realm of cryptovalue with the assistance of exchanging bots dealing with the machine, which illustratively show great overall revenues. One of Azbit guides was the well known and recognizable Roger Ver, who is the author of Bitcoin.com and the advertiser of blockchain specialized apparatuses.

Azbit nearly opens a window for those living human people who recently had no entrance to conventional managing an account administrations, and their number reaches right around 2 billion. A portion of the usefulness will be taken from the Bitsane.com trade, conceived in 2016, it will consider every one of its inadequacies and present a crisply new exchanging and speculation system. MVP is as of now accessible and tried

By using this platform, you are able to save the cryptocurrency just like when you are saving your money in a bank. The difference is that you can also use it right away such as to buy some online products or services, transfer to your friends, trade, and many more from your personal crypto wallet account.

You can also invest the cryptocurrencies and exchange it at the right time. Azbit will give you the exchange market as well as the latest information about cryptocurrency investment. The point is that the platform can be used for any kind of financial activities in the virtual era.

Azbit Project Solution

The main Azbit project easily resolved the issue of existing regulations when it began to be developed in European jurisdiction, which made it possible to enter classical markets absolutely easily and without obstacles. The company additionally creates subsidiaries that will have their own regulation and the necessary functionality. One of the main tasks of the project team is to enter the top 10.

Problems with Banking

  • The relationship between banking institutions and cryptocurrency markets is very unfriendly. Against its background, banks expose their weaknesses, which causes a large number of problems and a strong opposition of two parties: banks and cryptocurrency projects.
  • Most banks refused to service plastic cards that support cryptocurrency. The reason was non-compliance with the established rules.
  • Maintenance of cryptocurrency projects by banks is not always available. Even opening a simple account has become impossible. There are also more serious problems when banks freeze or close accounts of projects, regardless of their work.

Solution from Azbit
The Azbit project team is working on the issue of obtaining their personal banking license, which in the future will solve most problems in working with banking institutions. Already at the moment, the Azbit project has a Czech license Payment Institution. And then the team is set to receive a license from the European Union.

Services for Azbit customers

  • Providing classic banking and financial systems for working with fiat funds for both individuals and blockchain business.
  • Opportunity for traders to get permanent access to investment money.
  • Constant access for investors to more popular cryptocurrency products
  • For any user of the project - access to work with cryptocurrency online.
  • To translate everything that was planned, the Azbit project team plans to register in all necessary jurisdictions and have regulations in them.

The Azbit project consists of :

  • Banking service
  • Multi-exchange
  • Investment area
  • Security System Azbit

Azbit Security System
This system allows the user to quickly and safely use all the services of the project. Other projects built on the blockchain system can use Azbit.ID for automation, as well as to reduce the cost of money laundering.

The Azbit platform

The platform intends to bring attempted and tried budgetary exchanging and venture instruments to the cryptographic money industry through Azbit's bound together ecosystem.The Azbit's platform highlights will include:

  • Cryptocurrency exchanges
  • An investment platform
  • A banking structure
  • An electronic payment system


Azbit uses several platforms and it will be developed according to the needs of the users. Now, the service has some primary platforms to support the system. For example, Azbit has a virtual wallet or commonly know as a crypto wallet. Just like the name, the function of this platform is to keep the cryptocurrencies. The best part is that the crypto wallet can do more than an ordinary wallet.

Azbit is developed to be a place not only to keep cryptocurrencies but also to run it into a new finance mechanism. The specific platforms such as Azbit banking, investment platform, a banking system, and secure identification platform are the platforms which support the financial mechanism.

Token Information

Before using Azbit, just make sure that you already have AZ token. This token will be used for any kind of activities while using the platform. You can also exchange the token to any other tokens including Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash, Ethereum, and even Euro. The token pre-sale will start on October 1st, 2018 to November 30th, 2018. The value of 1 AZ token is the same with $0.00012.

TOTAL_SUPPLY : 401,408,000,000 AZ
Retail price : 1 AZ = 0.00012$
SOFT CAP : $7,500,000
HARD CAP : $28,901,376

Project Team and Advisors

The project team consists of experienced cryptocurrency specialists. Everyone has experience in the implementation of fairly successful projects that are quite different in their complexity.
Experienced and famous people from cryptowatch as advisers to the company. One of which was Roger Ver - founder and CEO of Bitcoin.com.


The Azbit project was created with the resolution of important points in working with cryptocurrencies. It is a fairly promising project with a strong team of experts and advisers. The project team has set itself big tasks to adapt its marketing plan with expanded functionality and to provide legal support in countries where this opportunity was not available. The main objective of the project is the possibility for users and cryptocurrency projects to use the full convenient functionality for investment and training.

For further information about Azbit come to visit :

Website: https://azbit.com/
Whitepaper: https://cdn.azbit.com/docs/en/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/azbit.news
Medium: https://medium.com/@Azbit_news
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/azbit.news/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/azbit_news
Telegram: https://t.me/azbit_com
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCotNyvts6S3nvtQlQSIZhWw

AUTHOR: Eflatun
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=620958
ETH : 0x6c5B872Eae443Be3E1EA3EB14Eced751Bcd5E7b7

0.292 GOLOS
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