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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



Nowadays, whilst the cryptocurrency industry is developing, the number of its participants increases as well as the number of operations between them, where most of the interactions are remote and are made once with unfamiliar people.

The reason for this kind of cooperation, where buyers and sellers can meet once, is the necessity to buy or sell crypto for fiat, ignoring overestimated exchange-point prices, which can be found at exchanges like bestchange.com
Besides crypto trading and cashing, sometimes there is a need to purchase existing exchange accounts or others, like already created accounts at bitcointalk.com or Telegram channels, in order to start your own business in the crypto-world.

These kind of deals may also consist of some risks and may not be secure at all as there is a possibility of loosing almost everything. However, the lack of any guarantee forces people to take those risks. But only secured and proven services can turn these deals safely into reality!

Despite the huge amount of market offers, we often come upon contractor’s dishonesty or even consumer’s improbity. Therefore guarantors are indeed a requirement!

In mutual settlements (done in crypto or fiat) it is necessary to involve a third party, which would control the deals. Nevertheless, with the interest to cryptocurrency expanding, numerous scam activities and their participants are also increasing.

The problem is that understanding the role of a guarantee in a classic way is not really appropriate for cryptocurrencies, because as bigger sums are involved the lack of trust to any person can grow as well. So, what we are talking about is the guarantee for crypto deals, where we would trust not just the one person, but the platform, which takes this role.

After all, not knowing enough information about the other partner, besides his internet contacts that are really tough to check, makes one wish to have some kind of a buffer of safety, which could guarantee the security of any deal in the crypto-world, where this guarantor would cope with all the unreasonable complaints, whilst the consumers are receiving their products and developers are doing their work.

We bring to your attention the project that turns this kind of platform into reality through our app - DEAL GUARD. What Deal Guard offers is a third party role in all those types of interactions, where based on the smart contract both sides will secure their deals. The DEAL GUARD service is about delivering and receiving products or services in the crypto-world.

Our goal is to simplify the deals’ safety, making its processes fast and reliable. If you would like to buy or sell cryptocurrency, tokens, accounts, development services or any other goods or services from the internet , DEAL GUARD would care about the safety of those deals. We, as intermediaries, ensure that both parties receive the proper product or work performed in the absence of claims from both sides. In case some claim occurs, we will deal with it also.

START COIN x11 (Q1 2019) - Start the main network and open to the public
pre-sale(Q1-Q3 2019) - selling coins for launching masternode, distributing coins, spreading ideas and much more
Pool (Q2-Q3 2019) - launching a pool for mining with more than 30 algorithms and 900+ coins
Masternode service Q2-Q3-2019 - in our service you can create masternodes for any coin that supports it.
Freelance (Q3-2019) - work for which pay cryptocurrency For customers and performers
beta testing platform (Q3 2019) - testing freelance platform work and opening to public access
Cryptocurrency exchange (Q1-Q3-2020) - launch of an international platform with verified users and coins


  • Coin properties:
  • Masternode reward 55%
  • Masternode amount 1500 coins
  • Masternode confirmations 15
  • Coinbase maturity 15 blocks
  • Target spacing 5 minutes
  • Target timespan 5 minutes
  • Transaction confirmations 6 blocks
  • Block halving 150000 blocks
  • Coin supply 21300000 coins
  • Premine amount 300000 coins for 10 MN
  • 10 masternodes for pre-sale
  • 150000 BAUNTY

Support contacts

Email support and suggestions support@dealguard.me

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На Golos с October 2017
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