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6 лет назад



To most people, the internet is a part of everyone’s daily life And yet there are still many businesses that are yet not online. The reason why it is so can be said to be due to lack of internet access, the cost of building a website. There are many other reasons.

Zypline tackles the world market of single-business owners and also brings a lasting solution to the world’s online posting solution. Zypcoin can let users post any file in any format. Zypline gives users access to the functions in which they could never get.

Current Situation

Zypline already has products and applications which aim to develop the target markets. These products will be readily available in the 2nd quarter of 2018. Zypcoin aims to advance some add on products and applications which will be available in the global network.

Some features of Zypline that are under development are:

  • No prescribed format; the information posts on Zypline are just the same way it was created.
  • The user controls what is being posted.
  • It takes less than 5 minutes for the user to create a new page and make it available online.
  • There is no registration as users do not need to provide any information.
  • It does not necessarily need an internet connection to be used.
  • It is very good to advertise discounts, coupons and specials.
  • One can create multiple pages by adding any alphanumeric suffix to the phone number which makes multiple pages possible.
  • Customers can view a page just by simply calling the number.
  • Customers can see a page by calling the number or by using it on http://Zyppather siges.com or other similar sites.
  • Produces a quick URL for business cards, also for online sites like Yelp, Angies, Craiglist. 



Zypcoin token applications are built on the ZYPLINE patented plug-in platform that provides a direct one-step connection to any online content or page from any user-controlled index, such as mobile phone number. The user has total control of the index allocation. ZYPLINE is not a search engine – it’s a connecting engine. This sign-on method provides only one result from a survey that does not show intermediate steps or choices and does not contain navigation steps. The ZYPLINE sign-in platform is not a competitor for standard search engines like Google or Yahoo. It is free and both services, search and connection can be integrated.


While the internet seems to be a central part of everyone’s life, it is hard to imagine that there are many companies that are not yet online because there is no available internet service or the construction of a conventional website is too complex because it means learning, hiring consultants, and incurring monthly expenses. This is easy to understand for the developing world, but it is important to note that even in the US, with all the infrastructure and support available, GoDaddy reports that over 50% of small businesses have no Facebook pages or pages.

Bank of America / Merrill Lynch has identified this segment as an untapped billions of billions, accounting for about $ 56 trillion in the e-commerce market for billions of people who are primarily without complete Internet services.

The Zypcoin system addresses a large market segment that currently has no online presence, which currently includes approximately 45% of the world with no Internet services, plus a segment that has internet but does not have the necessary resources. Having a presence online is a critical requirement in today’s markets – no matter the size of the company – because consumers want to research a person or an online business before calling. However, for a variety of reasons, most of the global workforce does not have an online presence. Zypcoin solves this problem by providing simple online and ecommerce pages for “Rest of the World”.

Recent US government statistics show that 54% of small businesses (16 million) in the US do not have a website, add consultants and independent people (estimated at 55 million) and their number is significantly higher. Consequently, making a call and, for example, automatically displaying work hours would be an important asset and a major time saver.

Worldwide amounts are even higher. Currently, the “informal workforce” is estimated to be at least 60% of all workers around the world. While about half of the 7.5 billion people in the world do not have access to the internet, instead, there are over 6.5 billion mobile subscriptions.

This is a well-worthwhile and valuable segment of the market. These artisans work hard and produce a product or service, but have limited access to technology; but all have a substantially mobile phone.This is an unusual moment and an unusual occasion. The best opportunities from a historical point of view are when technology reaches a large open white space space market, whose time has come. The informal global market has become comfortable with technology and understands its power and application. ZYPLINE benefits from these new market realities; this is the target market and a sweet spot for the Zypcoin token offer. 



In order to properly address this market, ZYPLINE intends to issue Zypcoin, a new "app-token", to reprogram existing applications, develop new applications, and implement a single distribution / agent strategy that meets the needs and processes of this sector. The result will enable this large global market to benefit from online businesses, display online products and services, and even participate in global e-commerce with just their mobile number and without the costs and weights of a website.

Zypcoin can divide the existing digital divide with the world's simplest posting solution. The platform can be used to upload any file in any format and to set the user's mobile number as a hub or URL. It offers millions of people and businesses online pages that they would not otherwise have. Zypcoin is planning an ICO for a new "app-token" to address the serving market segment of individual owners, homeowners and craftsmen around the world, allowing them to benefit from global e-commerce with just their mobile number. 

Who are the activists?







So little explanation of the unique Zypcoin system cryptocurrency. Which you deserve to know and you try. After trying it, feel the benefits, the uniqueness, and the benefits that will make you shake your head. Amazed!

For more details, you can open it in the link below:

Website | Whitepaper | Announcement Thread |
 | Facebook | Twitter | Telegram

My profile link:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1803086 

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