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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

Digital Gold: world-class investment backed by physical gold

For quite some time now, gold has been considered as an investment and there is no gainsaying about that. Source. This gold is subject to increase in price on a yearly basis. Source. As a good as physical gold is for investment, it has its associated problems, such as storage, liquidity and security. Source. This is more reason I would recommend investing in Digital Gold. Digital Gold is an ERC20 GOLD token, that provides the ease of storage, sale, purchase and transfer of gold investments digitally. Investments in GOLD token has successfully dealt with all problems associated with physical gold and at the same time, maintaining its value, which is the same as that of physical gold. Every gold token has its match in real gold, stored in a secure vault.

What you need to know about ERC20 GOLD token
Every Gold Token ERC20 is identical to 1 gram of gold that has a value of 99.99%. The measure of gold put away as a gold token can be handily confirmed to have its equivalent of physical gold at any time. By executing a cryptographic money framework, the acquisition of Gold token should be possible rapidly through Digital Gold authorized website. https://gold.storage/

When making an exchange, you won't be charged with any extra expenses. You can make whatever amount of GOLD token exchanges as could be expected under the circumstances as per the measure of Gold token you have. You can also transact on other global exchanges where it is listed. Putting away gold as gold chips are in reality more gainful than putting it away in distribution centres or banks. The utilization of gold tokens will make you increasingly gainful and will appear to be viable.

Why is Digital Gold highly recommendable?

Digital Gold is one of the most recommendable projects, most especially when it comes to Stablecoin investment. Some of the reasons are as follows:

Provision of Privacy: Privacy is of utmost to Digital Gold team, which is why your personal details are not required to make any purchase or sale of the GOLD token. Irrespective of the amount you intend purchasing, your details are neither known to any third party and neither are they known to the team.

Protection of asset: That gold is called a store of wealth, is not an aberration from normal, because that is the fact. Investing in Digital Gold is one of the best decisions one could ever make when it comes to having an investment whose value is well protected most irrespective of how long it spends. The more the years spent, the higher the value and it is not affected by the volatility of cryptocurrency. The only factor that is likely to affect it, is the general market condition, which probably affects all other commodities in the world. So, the mere fact that it is backed by physical gold, helps to maintain its value. 

Liquidity: The provision of adequate funding or cryptocurrency, to enhance easy buying and selling at any time is an added advantage. This is also helo to prevent an unnecessary drop in price below the market value of gold.

InsuranceYou should have it at the back of your mind that your Digital Gold investment is well insured. A partnership with Chubb Insurance, one of the best and largest insurance companies in the world, gives Digital Gold a reliable presence and good reputation among other projects. Therefore, if an unforeseen circumstance happens, you would not need to bore the expense alone. In fact, the larger part of it will be borne by the insurance company. This is why your investment is safe.

No exposure to risk: We all know that having physical gold at your disposal might predispose you to lots of risks, such as theft, but holding a Digital Gold helps to eliminate this risk factor. Having it will only be known to you if you decide not to tell anyone about it. 

More Information at your disposal:

Website: https://gold.storage/

Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf

Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Twitter : https://twitter.com/gold_erc20


Bitcointalk name: 

Pet240Bitcointalk Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1816902  

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