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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Become the alpha tester of the future!

Welcome, friend!

Join to a closed testing of open mobile wallet.

Just for Android, BitShares only!

Be a first one. Be an alpha tester our common wallet.


We create comfort tool for manage decentralized exchange orders on the way. For exchange tokens with another wallet keeper users. For merchandise consumers payments. Become an alpha tester and help us to evolve the app, locate infrequently app crashes and we fix it carry for people. The world can be better with you only.


Send a letter with subject ALPHA to test@fintehru.org and be a honorable alpha tester. First 100 lucky participants get our clear instructions and become the beacon of future development.


Before start developing we made research and test all of mobile wallet for android with open source for Android OS.

And some of proprietary wallet with hope for author collaborate.

And we made Bitshares wallet like fork of “BitUniverse” by t.me/jeremy_peng

This wallet has a part of smartcoins-wallet code by t.me/kenCode “Agorise”

Since 12 November 2018 code has MIT license and we can test it with you.

We decide make open code for all development plan, it must have for all things of blockchain sphere. Don’t trust your private key for proprietary applications!

We fixed some bugs and added some features.

Short overview
  • Registration on Bitshares blockchain by model Account directly in mobile application. No web version needed. Think up and remember a difficult password just.
  • Login by model Account (CloudWallet) or by first account from model Wallet (LocalWallet).
  • Block your wallet by pin-code from foxy eyes
  • Autoencrypte keys by pin-code, we save your code safety.
  • Look to your account private and public key
  • Edit list of existing node and trading pair
  • Hide no need assets
  • Choose app language or switch to system one
  • Choose app color
  • Send tokens to other BitShares users
  • Scan QR-code for sending tokens
  • Pay transaction fee in any tokens which has bts pool
  • Check transaction history
  • Check your balance
  • Generate QR-codes for receive BitShares tokens
  • Trade tokens on BitShares exchange
  • Check your orders on interesting in pair
  • Pay fee for making orders in any tokens which has bts pool
  • Pay to merchants use PalmPay.io platform
  • We add RuDEX gateway, and you can use another blockchain tokens
  • Installation apk-file has 10 Mb size, install it for your Grandmother, please. Or not yours.
  • Build application, or download binary

And post about us with hashtags: #bitshares #android #wallet #finteh #worker


You test our application, like this one and you use it every day of your life - and developers consider your opinion and you control result. Application is exactly as you want it to be. Every alpha tester has 1% affect. Every alpha testers will be marked at blockchain. And we’ll make reward system for find bugs and create features. Alpha testers have discount for premium name and Lifetime membership. Alpha testers can be project ambassador. Blockchain will be better with you only.


We like and prefer Android, because this is free and open kernel code.

And Android has open source base.


We believe in Open source, Graphene and crowd power.

Our association develop and cultivate financial technology.

We are non-profit organisation and legal work. We have public charter and decisions are made by vote.

  • Create code from start and recreate encryption libraries.
  • Make code guidelines and follow it
  • Sing in all commits local public keys and push singed commits only — we support trust and safety when it’s about blockchain
Add more features:
  • Referral system
  • Voting
  • Collateral and settle
  • Lifetime membership status and your payments
  • Vesting
  • Multisign
  • Explorer
  • and much more

Download APK for Android from GitHub

Our sincere thanks for the code, help and advice to @RuDEX, @Agorise and

@JeremyPeng “BitUniverse”

Your first one who test future and future is coming on, thank you!

Aleksandr Kwaskoff, president of FinTechAssocation, Moscow

52.524 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2018
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