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8 лет назад


This is the first of an ongoing and ever growing piece on the drug war in america.

It will be a 7+ part series exploring each category of drugs, their positive and negative effects on society, collective consciousness and individuals.

In America, our view of "Drugs" comes mostly from misinformed and inexperienced people spreading corporate sponsored propaganda which in turn alters public opinion to believe that all drugs should be illegal about. If you don't know what I'm talking about refer to *Reefer Madness" and then think about the older 80+ population views Marijuana. Or you can google ann coulter and listen to the way she speaks about drugs. So what is the logic in making drugs illegal? Money plays the biggest role in keeping drugs illegal. But who profits and how? Here is a list of a few industries who profit from the drug war. note these are some of the largest industries on the planet.

  1. Banks
  2. Private Prison industry
  3. Law Inforcement Industry
  4. Pharmaceutical and Alcohol Industry
  5. Drug Rehab industry
  6. Lawyers
    prison labor
    Slavery hasn't gone anywhere it just got new branding. When slavery was "abolished," thousands of African-American slaves were freed with nowhere to go, many of them were subject to the “black codes” The Black Codes restricted black people's right to own property, conduct business, buy and lease land, and move freely through public spaces. A central element of the Black Codes were vagrancy laws.Vagrancy Laws were put in place to recapture freedmen and use them as prison laborers. In my opinion, this is where the Drug War starts, because this is when white business owners began to see the value cheap prison labor is and even cheaper than slavery because they didn’t have to pay them a living wage (in fact it was illegal too) and they didn’t have to feed or house them. The same tactic to recruit Inmates is used today but today they arrest people for drugs.

Fear of the people rising up against their ruling Government

Some drugs are illegal because the ruling party doesn’t want a revolution or loss of mind control. Obviously, I am talking about Psychedelics. Psychedelics in my opinion are here to remind us that we are part of something much bigger than we will ever fully understand and show us that all of the little bullshit things that we let control our lives, are just that. Judging by the legal status of Psychedelics like LSD, DMT, Mescaline and Psilocybin(magic mushrooms). Whoever is in control of this world most certainly fears the power that psychedelics hold for the liberation of man. Especially if fed to the masses. Think of how scared the US Government was in the 1960’s when LSD birthed a widespread anti-war movement. In 1967 the Federal Government classified LSD (safest drug on the planet) A schedule I Drug, along with marijuana (cannabis), heroin, Psilocybin (Mushrooms), Mescaline (peyote), methaqualone (Quaaludes), and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (“MDMA or Ecstasy”). Schedule I Controlled Substances are said to posses no medicinal value. Though myself and many people would argue that every one of these drugs do and maybe more so than schedule II,III, IV, and V(which tend to be corporate drugs meaning you can buy them from the pharmacy if a doctor writes you a prescription.) In the first 7 years of a new medicine patent, generic alternatives cannot be made by competing drug companies. The pharmaceutical companies quietly pay Dr’s to incentivise them to write prescriptions for their proprietary meds and these are usually the meds that you will see 3 minute commercials on the Brainwash Box commonly referred to as TV.


Speaking of the brainwash box corporate media plays a large role in swaying public opinion on the safety and beneficial aspects of schedule I Drugs. Their main weapon is altering public opinion by using the classic technique of spewing fictional data about the safety of these drugs to instill fear in the people. Once media puts fear in the heart of the people, corporations can get away with doing just about anything in the name of the people’s safety. It’s sad, but true. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was.

Outside of “The land of the free?

When a country like the united states creates laws that allow for governments or businesses to succeed, a lot of the times the rest of the world will blindly take similar measures to make some money as well. In the case of the drug war, this is absolutely the case. It reminds me of the kid in school who always stuck his A.B.C. gum under his desk and because of him we all lost the privilege to chew gum. So, because of America’s stance on drugs, the rest of the world suffers also and pays the price of corporate greed and

The drug war, slavery, corporate media and their effects on the world...

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