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5 лет назад

Africans becoming less religious 

There's a growing unbelief in God all over the world and it's changing the Africa's religious landscape. Even before the Europeans and Arabs brought Christianity and Islam, religion was already a relevant part of African culture.


Africans had always worshiped God/deities but a lot of Africans are beginning to believe they are all made up or don't exist, especially when it comes to Christianity. A favourite quote of alcoholics to evangelism teams, or people who preach Christ to them is that,

Ship na 3di Bible baay3 nu, enua n3 edi schnapp baay3.

The translation of the above quote which is in Twi is that,

The ship that brought the Bible also brought the schnapp.

They use the quote to defend their drinking habits, as they are often told Christians shouldn't be drinking alcohol. Technically, they are telling the truth.

There's been growing attacks on the Christian population in Ghana with a lot of people saying that the Europeans and Americans who used to be missionaries and brought Christianity to Ghana and Africa as a whole are now atheist. A lot of them don't believe in God, and a lot more are just indifferent. If He exists, fine. If He doesn't, cool.

I am a Christian and I believe in the one true God, but I also believe in freedom of expression. People can share what they believe to be true or not, I just have a little reservation. It could be that I have believed a lie and God doesn't exist, but wouldn't it be scarier to find out at the end of your life that He exists and you never believed in Him?

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