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5 лет назад

Demonstrations In China 

There's crises in Hong Kong with several people occupying the city as the government proposed to pass a bill to allow local authorities to detain and extradite people who are wanted in countries and places that does not have extradition agreements with Hong Kong. They believe this will undermine the rights of citizens and place everyone under Chinese jurisdiction.


Demonstrations began in March but escalated in June, the same month where a massacre happened in 1989. Students in mainland China demonstrated in Tiananmen Square over inflation, political reforms, the death of Hu Yaobang among other things. The state council declared martial law and sent about 300,000 troops to the central parts of Beijing where they shot at demonstrators.

Many fear how recent demonstrations would be handled by the authorities. Riot police faced of with protesters yesterday, August 22nd and 28 arrests have been made. These demonstrations is having a toll on the Hong Kong economy and it's unsure whether this will lead to long term effects. Hong Kong is known for its great business climate and we hope to see an end to the demonstrations soon.

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