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7 лет назад

Nobel laureates predict the COLLAPSE of BITCOIN and call for it to be outlawed

Economist and Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, during a televised interview with Bloomberg said that bitcoin should be outlawed. The next day another Nobel laureate Robert J. Schiller shared his opinion about bitcoin, saying that it would crash like the collapse of the US stock market, which preceded the Great Depression of 1929–1930.
Joseph Stiglitz believes that bitcoin should be banned, since it does not carry any “socially useful function” and is popular due to “deception and lack of regulation.”
Stiglitz gave his comment at the time when the bitcoin rate was at record highs. According to CoinMarketCap, while preparing the material, bitcoin was trading at $ 11,739. Schiller in 2014 said that the cryptocurrency is “an amazing example of a bubble.” Now he has compared the attractiveness of bitcoin with the plot mysterious and exciting film: cryptocurrency draws people who want to outsmart the system: "Bitcoin is so cool. You are fast, smart and understood what no one else has yet understood. You are in the topic. And bitcoin is so free from regulation and government influence … What a wonderful story if only it was true!"

Schiller added that he does not know when and at what stage the crypto currency will collapse, but he cited the stock market of the 1920s as an example. According to him, bitcoin will grow, but we “will eventually reach 1929”. He added that bitcoin will collapse, but “will not fall to zero, but simply decrease in price.”

Yale University economist Robert J. Schiller received the Nobel Prize in Economics for his work “Identifying market trends in asset markets” in 2013. He is known for his predictions about the collapse of dotcom, the bubble in the housing market, and the book “Irrational Exuberance.”

And what do you think about this? Does it make sense to buy bitcoin now? Or should I get rid of it sooner?

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