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6 лет назад

Bidooh ICO review. Decentralized digital advertising

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What shall we do without the advertising? Every day just walking through the streets on the way to work and back, we pay attention on advertising billboards on the road, transport or on large screens of buildings. Advertising is an integral part of our life from which we get useful information about things that we may need and about which we do not know.

The advertising market is limitless and constantly growing. Certain innovations attract large amounts of funding, and the blockchain will also play its role in this.

Creating advanced advertising banners with the presence of viewing statistics, remote control, as well as with the most profitable placement - this is the element necessary for the modern advertising content market. This is exactly the "Bidooh".

About the project

The “Bidooh” is a blockchain alternative digital advertising platform.

The project started in 1Q 2018.

The main project's mission is to place advertising billboards in the most appropriate places for mass acquaintance with advertising content.

The difference from already familiar advertising screens and billboards is the use of advanced technologies for views calculating, determining the persons' category interested in an advertisement. In addition, this includes mobility in accommodation and selection of the most favorable and effective places to attract attention. At the same time, all the information is recorded in an immutable registry of data in the blockchain.

enter image description here

Puzzling information:

  • OKEx is the institutional partner of the “Bidooh” of October 1, 2018 during the ICO period
  • Huobi has publicly expressed interest in the “Bidooh” platform and their terms, but so far any contacts are under consideration

How does it work

Everything works quite simply! Your business can become famous thanks to the worldwide spread of digital advertising with the “Bidooh”!

To use this service, you will only need to install the application on your computer device, deposit funds into the balance, customize your advertising content and choose the most suitable place!

The advertising stand is equipped with sensors for determining relative information about individuals who pay attention to advertising. As well as all data is recorded in the registry and regularly published in the information line as a report of the visit.

(The “Bidooh” acts as a decentralized platform as an application, not a manufacturer of digital media)


The advertising market is becoming bigger and bigger every day. All the peculiar innovations are always welcome. There is no such product on this market and this gives reason to think about the prospects of the company in principle.

Simplicity in placing ads, remote control, viewing statistics - this is something that was lacking in the usual street advertising, which stopped developing at the stage of pasted pieces of paper on the walls.

Project ratings:


P.S. This material is posted for your reference. Not a financial advice. I do not encourage you to participate in any ICO. You need to understand and consider the high risks of investing in ICO. The content expresses the author's personal opinion. The author is not an expert in the field of block technology. Always conduct your own analysis before investing in any ICO.

Information resources of the project:

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1.557 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2018
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