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6 лет назад

Raincheck - review. More than just a loyalty program!


At the end of the article, please leave a comment: would you like to use this application and which stores are the top priorities for you (store name or favorite brand name)?

The smartphone has become an integral part of our life, and the most relevant marketing is the one that appears before our eyes, on our gadget. Every day more and more popularity is gained by various loyalty programs and all possible cashback services and this is understandable why.

Nevertheless, I think that everyone would like it: if you regularly received notices of discounts and promotions that appear in your favorite stores, the things you need.

In this case, we can get help from O2O (Online to offline). It is advertising offline services and products using interactive online applications. The following tools can help in this:

  • QR-codes

  • augmented reality elements

  • interactive mini-applications

  • image recognition software

  • and other high-tech tools.

Moreover, this is connected with this project, the relevance and achievements of which I want to tell you. By the way, at present there is no such effective decentralized environment for use and exchange between loyalty programs, and their parallel use.

About the project

The RainCheck is a decentralized platform that combines loyalty programs into a peer-to-peer network for the most comfortable use. The company started its work on the project in 2014. Since that time has achieved great success and can boast of its achievements.

enter image description here

The initial goal is the creation of a decentralized network with a flexible ecosystem. Using DLT technology (Distributed Ledger technology), the RainCheck develops a platform that will include a set of loyalty points and various rewards where all financial transactions are related to the platform token.

As a result, the platform will have the opportunity to combine loyalty points and various rewards from any organization for use. It will be possible to do so while preserving their value and further ubiquitous use. The focus is on retail brands, airlines and tourism organizations.

The operation principle

At its core, the platform is divided into ten modules that are interconnected and can be activated in several variations or individually, depending on the services you require. Each system module is built as openly as possible, using the latest tools to provide a flexible framework and virtually any third-party integration.

enter image description here

Briefly about 10 modules:

  • Product’s feed (online)

This is a product delivery module that processes data and product information.

  • Inventory feed (stores)

The Feed Inventory module processes data about products and inventory data from ERP systems that process inventory in the store. The RainCheck platform collect this information for customer notification.

  • O2O Wish List

This API allows users to discover a product on the Internet and save it in the cloud.

  • Payments / Purses

This module is very important for the entire infrastructure, as it includes the integration of backend into the payment schemes API, PSP and banks. This allows to offer services in the own application or using third-party wallets. As well as split-payments and refunds can also be processed here.

  • Location / Proximity

Accommodation services are processed using Geo-fencing technology, where the average range is 150 m and covers all shopping centers, shopping areas and airports.

  • Connected POS and card-related offers

This module definitely is the most important and difficult to build. This allows you to segment marketing at the level of the actual product.

  • Pop-up notification

Self-tuning push notifications, the system can handle all relevant for you offers and notify you in a text SMS-notification.

  • Data analytics

The platform monitors and collects hundreds of data points and stores them all in specific data repositories that can be retrieved and visually displayed through built-in web panels.

The use of each module is available for customization to each user. In turn, the RainCheck changes the rules in the detection of the right products, moving away from the usual Internet surfing. All the data about your purchases are fixed in the application and offer the most suitable variants of similar or compatible, possibly necessary things.

Currently, the RainCheck uses Stripe as a payment gateway for processing all transactions via the RainCheck mobile application. The Strip is a support for tokens based on the Stellar. The RainCheck intends to work closely with the Stripe to develop a proxy based payment gateway for processing all transactions using RAIN tokens.

All this in order to eventually develop your own payment gateway.


The company in demo version tested its product and it is "working". In addition, the close cooperation with real companies is saying something. In addition, the availability of such a service will in fact be in demand, as it covers multiple social categories of consumers.

The team has achievements in the framework of their project for 2016-2017 and we cannot leave it unnoticed

Project ratings:


P.S. This material is posted for your reference. Not a financial advice. I do not encourage you to participate in any ICO. You need to understand and consider the high risks of investing in ICO. The content expresses the author's personal opinion. The author is not an expert in the field of block technology. Always conduct your own analysis before investing in any ICO.

Information resources of the project:

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