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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

KuCoin cryptocurrency world

Cryptocurrency world KuCoin introduces
KuCoin Hello Cryptocurrencies KuCoi is a market that brings satisfaction to everyone.This is a cryptocurrency market that brings every transaction and convenience for all Kucoin users. users spread across the world with cryptocurrencies in 25 trusted countries and have used KuCoin cryptocurrency KuCoi world does not disappoint KuCoi is a big market if anyone has known the money market Electronic BitCoin is known to the KuCoin market as a market support for BitCoin so I would like to introduce to you more about this market with very small transaction fees and creating accounts is also very fast with every step you manipulate. It only takes 10 seconds for an account with a phone and you can deliver it anytime and anywhere with KuCoin fast and easily KuCoin wherever you can trade conveniently with high security and anti-security features. many forms Backed by foreign investment giants, KuCoin is a trading platform of more than five million global users.The KuCoin app and website gives you an easy and fast way to start trading

Ecosystem foundation

AIre is an ecosystem focused on data banks and their users. It provides functionality to data banks so they can operate efficiently and transact with businesses and individuals. This section discusses AIre, its function and business model. It also includes a description of measures to prevent data tampering through the use of blockchain technology and interconnected data bank centers. Three main functions
Developed / Provided by IFA Developed / Provided by
The proprietary AIre API allows companies to integrate their businesses and applications with data bank AIre or even provide them with their own data banking services. Ecosystem
will allow technologies to handle different business scenarios, such as implementing the W3C DID standards, or reputation
and the scoring system. The network keeps an immutable record in it
the participant has been granted access to the input,
store information, and use it. Data bank
is the core of the system for data storage and API enabled
facilitate and coordinate data flow. AIre can handle
Different data sources and data ownership management, for example, fragmented data from different sources can be linked.
AIre encrypts valuable objects such as security tokens
via data banks, such as stocks, real
real estate, art, etc., and make a payment / transfer
use cryptocurrency. Details are described in the future development section.

ARCS new world token
Alre is a world where different values of people can be turned into assets and used as social resources.
ARCS is a token released to make its construction faster.
To realize this decentralized system, we will operate it in a unique way.
Payment tokens, admin tokens, and utility tokens will also be issued. Enjoy the new world filled with new values and lit by ARCS.
The AIre token economy is centered around the ARCS token. Below is a description of the token,
its economy, and its functionality.
ARCS Token
5-1.ARCS token
ARCS is the native token of AIre. It can be held in wallets that support the ERC-20 token standard and be traded on exchanges
which list ARCS. It will fluctuate according to market conditions.
ARCS is mainly used for the following purposes:
Many internet users feel uncomfortable when providing personal data to services due to the recent public knowledge of large
corporations misusing personal data. AIre incentivizes users for the information they provide, which is expected to lower
resistance to storing personal data.
The token economy is designed to expand the ecosystem organically since participants will receive unique benefits from using
the ARCS token as opposed to fiat currencies. The core value of AIre is the data which the data banks hold and ARCS is the
global network currency which data buyers can use to buy data with.
Below is a demonstration of the ARCS token flow:
1.Users input data into the AIre data bank and receive ARCS as a reward;
2.Companies who wish to acquire data from the data bank will first buy ARCS from an exchange;
3.Companies can then buy data from a data bank with ARCS. At the same time, users will be rewarded for their data and IFA
will collect a commission fee for delivering the service;
4.Companies can utilize the data for their services and offer it to AIre users in return for ARCS.
5-2.Token flow
Incentives for users
Rights to use the AIre service
Issuer: IFA Co., Ltd.
Token Name: ARCS
Token Symbol: ARX
Total issues: 20,000,000,000 (20 Billion)
Decimal places: 18
Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Token Standard: ERC20
Our company will be responsible for the issuance of ARCS. At the same time, we will set up a new ARCS Foundation and lock 50% of all issued ARCS up as foundation assets. As a result, we are going to build a third-party system which can use assets effeciently for society and users, instead of a centralized token management. IFA pledges to dilute centralized control and contribute the whole society.

ARCS is basiclly a token which relies on the Ethereum platform. However, the operating situation of the Ethereum platform is about to reach its limitation, which has provoked alarm about its future prospects. Of course, there is still a great chance of improving the situation. Nevertheless, we are considering reissuing ARCS by using a potential and highly scaled platform compared to the current platform.

All in all, not only issuing settlement tokens which have settlement ability, but also we will issue governance token, which commit to the management of the Alre world, and security tokens that fits regionality. We will do our best to develop ARCS because it will contribute to the new world

WEBSITE : https://www.arcs-chain.com/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/ARCS_ARX
TELEGRAM : https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@ARCS_ARX_EN
MEDIUM : https://medium.com/arcs-arx-official
WHITEPAPER : https://www.arcs-chain.com/whitepaper_en.pdf?v=20191122b
Name: HyNa
Bitcointalkprofile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2824000
ETH : 0xF3394EC6d1BDcCC35D6592773584Ace49Cd60986

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