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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад


Introduction To Unifinity- Decentralized Education System
Unifinity is a potent interface, which associates all advancement accomplices and the Blockchain procedure by giving all the essential framework and incorporated arrangement of instruments. This will enable colleges to deal with the Blockchain application highlights at a modicum of the current expenses and this time will make a progressive change for the injunctive authorization framework.

Unifinity is a worldwide Education Technology  platform for schools all around the world to have the option to utilize blockchain developments, Smart contracts in their every day requirements for ideal learning experience and fruitful administration and running of their foundations. The association with Dash makes an interface which will empower payments utilizing the cryptographic money Dash at a lower cost. 


🔥Unifinity is a DApp platform (decentralized application) , Dapps run on the blockchain thus has various benefits and points of interest. Unifinity aims to be a portal for parents guardians, instructors, schools and universities to make exchanges on the blockchain. Unifinity.io gives all the customers (understudies, schools heads, the executives, understudies, staffs, work force and staff) an expert interface for blockchain related exercises, for example, 

🗣Crypto ~ Fiat enabled payment of expenses

🗣Tracking and survey data of students and undergraduates

🗣Installmental and real exchanges

🗣Screening and execution automatically

🗣Times stamps

🗣Blockchain Identity and affirmation 

There are plans in progress to permit creative arrangements utilizing blockchain technology and cutting edge innovation from new firms to be incorporated into the platform. Universities will have the option to adjust applications, move, import and adapt administrative strategies, strategies for running schools and new executives methods. All information of universities will be stored securely on the blockchain. 


🔥We as a whole realize that for a country to develop monetarily, economically and for quicker turn of events, the nature of training must be the best. To achieve advanced educational level has consistently been many individuals' objective, laborers in some cases need explicit degrees to confirm their value and worth where they work. The norms has been on  a steady studying and learning to increase worth. Learning is everything.

First steps to achieving these has been to decentralize the Instructive and learning framework, moving the level of influence from the most exceptional countries to everybody giving them equivalent odds of accomplishment, so the most noticeably terrible school in Africa or Europe has a similar access to cutting edge technology used by the best schools worldwide. Physical procedures like arranging and manual enrollment can be diminished, a school would now be able to deal with it's enlistment on the blockchain and have an AI keep tabs on students for human focus on more productive ways to further their administrations. 


🔥Unifinity does this by utilizing cryptographic token, cryptocurrencies , Unifinity's own token that goes about as a permanent time stepped virtual Identification, to compensate and pay students and undergraduates for school exercises like going to class, going to a specific number of talks. Recorded beneath are some fascinating arrangements that has been incorporated by unifinity. 

🗣Blockchain based ID
🗣Transactions the executives instruments
🗣Fee installments entryway
🗣Dream organizer
🗣Job systems
🗣Academic Tools
🗣Rewards and motivating forces framework
🗣University portals(Unihub)
🗣Enrollment framework
🗣Data saver and capacity
🗣Online courses
🗣Original accreditation issuance and confirmation
🗣Mobile Applications.
🗣Staking Rewards.
🗣Easy Bank Payment and wire moves.These can be found in details on the Whitepaper, link provided at the bottom of the article 


🔥The CEO, CFO, colleagues, counselors and accomplices, full subtleties on Website and 

Veronica Andrino (Chief/FOUNDER)Darryl Richter (Accomplice/CFO)Malcom Tan (Accomplice/Legal and Compliance)Robert Schram (Spain Partner)Richard Mifsud (Malta Partner)David Kam (USA Partner)Adrian Guttridge (Chief - Future Ridge)Narelle Richter Shamrock (Counselor)Eric Alexandre (Chief - Jetcoin)Rune Evensen,Ravi HalaiMarco Poliquin

All teacheing and learning organizations of different sizes can utilize blockchain innovation for their everyday exercises. Get specialized help, administrations, apparatuses for smoother administrative exercises. Track, screen and deal with everything about your organization, and for the normal financial specialist, follow links to stay updated about IEO/ICO and other news.
For a more detailed information and keeping up-to-date, follow and read
Websites : https://unifinity.io/https://unifinity.ph/
Medium ; https://medium.com/@unifinityph

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/unifinity.io

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Unifinityph

Twitter: https://twitter.com/unifinity_ph

Telegram: https://t.me/unifinity

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo5XaBsLqA7I307JLhcAz0Q

Author :  iamblo.ra

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2570086

ETH : 0x5172fA284b303A273C599eFdc9079c1b4978D84E

0.191 GOLOS
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