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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

Green earth, clean earth, safe earth

Technology owes and apology to ecology, and human beings are responsible for the every danger we are posing to the flora and fauna.

The natural scenic beauty nowadays has reduced to very few places. We have to go to some place to have a view but why this is required, why we destroyed our own surroundings. The earth was beautiful one day from every corner.

We still have an opportunity the clean it again. With this initiative we indians have started campaigns and even our government is making efforts to clean rivers and reduce smoke from environment.

We pledge to grow a tree on each birthday. Thats a nice step to clean our air .

We use lesser of the plastic build material, that will reduce the waste.

Proper cleaners should be used before moving out the smoke from industries

Now comes the main point we have to get together to clean what we have destroyed. One step towards nature , a step towards humanity, a step towards healthy life.

We have cleanest village of asia in meghalaya. Melynnong. Which is more than beautiful, awesome and amazing.

Soon we will convert INDIA into the cleanest country.

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с July 2017
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