Уважаемые пользователи Голос!
Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад


project_name = "Naviaddress"
headline = "The decentralised address platform powered by blockchain" # 50 symbols max
logo = "" # Link to logo image
state = 0 # 0 - Project (before ICO begins), 1 - Pre-public (ICO ends, but tokens ain`t tradable), 2 - Public Project (tokens are tradable)
asset_type = "cryptoasset" # cryptocurrency, cryptoasset

name = "" # Name of the company, checked by Cyberanalytics team
residence = "" # Place of company registration, checked by Cyberanalytics team
description = "" # Purpose (operational, non-profit, etc), checked by Cyberanalytics team
shareholders_list = "" # Names of legal entities, trusts, natural persons and their beneficiaries, checked by Cyberanalytics teamm
registration_date = "" # Legal entity registration date; Date format: 2017-11-22T00:00:00; Checked by Cyberanalytics team
venture_capital_funding = "" # Amount of fiat money or virtual currency raised before phases[n]/ICO (USD equivalent at the moment of raising), Checked by Cyberanalytics team


is_ico = true # Field format: true or false; whether or not will be token sale, if false, leave ICO section empty
current_ico_phase = 0 # 0 - first token sale (including presale), 1 - second token sale, 2 - third token sale, etc

name = "NaviToken" # Token name
symbol = "NVT" # Token short designation
dependency = "ERC20" # Blockchain used to issue a token or ERC20. If its own blockchain - "independent"

total_supply = 1000000000

description = "Reserve for developers and partners" # Name of tokenholders category
percent = 20 # Share of tokens granted to appropriate tokenholders category

description = "ICO participants " # Name of tokenholders category
percent = 50 # Share of tokens granted to appropriate tokenholders category

description = "Reserved by the company" # Name of tokenholders category
percent = 20 # Share of tokens granted to appropriate tokenholders category

description = "Team" # Name of tokenholders category
percent = 10 # Share of tokens granted to appropriate tokenholders category

description = "" # Purpose of collected procceeds (contributions)
percent = "" # Share of overall procceeds (contributions)

phase_num = 0 # 0 - first token sale (including presale), 1 - second token sale, 2 - third token sale, etc
phase_name = "Private Sale"
phase_status = "Active" # Active/Finished

start_date = "" # Date format: 2017-11-22T00:00:00 or "2018 Q4"
end_date = "2018-01-28T00:00:00" # Date format: 2017-11-22T00:00:00 or "2018 Q4"
website = "https://naviaddress.io/login/?redirect_to=%2Fdashboard%2F&aam-redirect=login " # URL to the registration webpage
terms = "https://naviaddress.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/2017-12-28-Terms-of-NaviToken-Sale-v2.0.pdf " # URL to the registration terms

sales_agreement = "" # URL to Token Sales Agreement and indication of its type (regular, SAFT etc.)
sales_url = "" # URL to the sales webpage
issued_tokens = 100000000 # Actual amount of tokens issued at the current tokensale phase
sold_tokens = "" # Actual amount of tokens sold at the current tokensale phase
share_of_sold = "" # %, Filled by cyberanalytics team
token_distribution_date = "" # Date of token distribution

currency = ""
amount = ""

supply_percent = "" # Percent of total token supply to be vested
lockup_condition = "" # Type of tokenholders whose tokens will be vested
lockup_date = "" # Date format: 2017-11-22T00:00:00 or "2018 Q4"

currency = "ETH" # Cryptocurrency in which contributions accepted
address = "" # Blockchain address for contributions

currency = "BTC" # Cryptocurrency in which contributions accepted
address = "" # Blockchain address for contributions

currency = "FIAT" # Cryptocurrency in which contributions accepted
address = "" # Blockchain address for contributions

start_date = "" # Date format: "2017-11-22T00:00:00" or "2018 Q3"
end_date = "2018-01-28T00:00:00" # Date format: "2017-11-22T00:00:00" or "2018 Q4"
duration = "" # Filled by cyberanalytics team

currency = "" # Filled by developers or cyberanalytics team
amount = "" # Filled by developers or cyberanalytics team

currency = "USD" # Cryptocurrency in which price is calculated; Filled by developers or cyberanalytics team
price = 0.05 # Final token price at the end of current phase; Filled by developers or cyberanalytics team

amount = "" # Size of discount on token final price
condition = "" # Conditions of the current discount

contract_address = "" # Fill this field out only if dependency = "ERC20"; Ethereum tokensale address - a hexadecimal field format (base 16 notation)
contract_type = "" # Fill this field out only if dependency = "ERC20"; NameTag of Ethereum tokensale address (you can find it at https://etherscan.io page of contract in Contract Overview section)


name = "Naviaddress" # Name of application
same_blockchain = true # Field format: true or false; whether or not project will be using the same blockchain both for token sale and its product
sources_availability = false # Whether the code of the platform is delivered and openly available on Github/Bitbucket (at least partially); Checked by cyberanalytics team
product_status = 2 # 1 - not working product, 2 - working prototype (alpha, beta), 3 - working product in operation
app_type = "Web App, Mobile App" # Web App, Mobile App, Mobile Wallet, Desktop Wallet etc
app_url = "https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/naviaddress/id1061872047?mt=8&referrer=appmetrica_tracking_id%3D529200044608330784%26ym_tracking_id%3D10814442154104326920 " # URL to App

name = "Naviaddress" # Name of application
same_blockchain = true # Field format: true or false; whether or not project will be using the same blockchain both for token sale and its product
sources_availability = false # Whether the code of the platform is delivered and openly available on Github/Bitbucket (at least partially); Checked by cyberanalytics team
product_status = 2 # 1 - not working product, 2 - working prototype (alpha, beta), 3 - working product in operation
app_type = "Web App, Mobile App" # Web App, Mobile App, Mobile Wallet, Desktop Wallet etc
app_url = "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.naviworld.Navimap&referrer=appmetrica_tracking_id%3D313027261404093914%26ym_tracking_id%3D8779815068904971867 " # URL to App

name = "NaviToken" # Token name
symbol = "NVT" # Token short designation
dependency = "ERC20" # Blockchain used to issue a token or ERC20. If its own blockchain - "independent"
consensus_name = "PoC" # Name of consensys algorithm
token_type = "utility token" # Token type declared by founders ('security token', 'utility token',donation, cryptocurrency)
inflation_rate = "" # Annual increase/decrease of the token volume in the ecosystem and a type of its production
circulation_terms = "" # Conditions for consumed tokens (pre-sale, burning), rate of fee for intermidearies
governance_rights_project = "" # List of rights to be granted to tokenholders to vote for the course of the project development
governance_rights_org = "" # List of rights to be granted to tokenholders to govern the operational organization

number = 0 # Number of milestone
name = "The concept of a new unified digital address platform developed" # Short description of milestone
start_date = "2012 Q1"
end_date = "2012 Q4"
current_status = "Completed" # Planned, In work, Completed

number = 1 # Number of milestone
name = "Naviaddress incorporated, patent filed, MVP developed, Angel round $500K raised" # Short description of milestone
start_date = "2015 Q1"
end_date = "2015 Q4"

current_status = "Completed" # Planned, In work, Completed

number = 2 # Number of milestone
name = "The first app released, integration with UBER implemented" # Short description of milestone
start_date = "2016 Q1"
end_date = "2016 Q4"
current_status = "Completed" # Planned, In work, Completed

number = 3 # Number of milestone
name = "Seed round $2MM received" # Short description of milestone
start_date = "2017 Q1"
end_date = ""
current_status = "Completed" # Planned, In work, Completed

number = 4 # Number of milestone
name = "Strategic Partnership Agreement signed with Booking.com" # Short description of milestone
start_date = "2017 Q2"
end_date = ""
current_status = "Completed" # Planned, In work, Completed

number = 5 # Number of milestone
name = "Naviaddress app user base reached 100 000 users.Naviaddress blockchain protocol development started." # Short description of milestone
start_date = "2017 Q3"
end_date = ""
current_status = "Completed" # Planned, In work, Completed

number = 6 # Number of milestone
name = "Naviaddress system contains 1.4MM business addresses." # Short description of milestone
start_date = "2017 Q4"
end_date = ""
current_status = "Completed" # Planned, In work, Completed

number = 7 # Number of milestone
name = "ICO & NaviToken (NVT) token will be available on exchanges.Naviaddress ownership ledger, sell and rent smart-contracts" # Short description of milestone
start_date = "2018 Q1"
end_date = ""
current_status = "In work" # Planned, In work, Completed

number = 8 # Number of milestone
name = "Implementation of the Naviaddress blockchain protocol in the existing Naviaddress app. Launch of the incentive program for a new free address platform." # Short description of milestone
start_date = "2018 Q2"
end_date = ""
current_status = "Planned" # Planned, In work, Completed

number = 9 # Number of milestone
name = "Re-sell & ownership transfer smart-contracts. " # Short description of milestone
start_date = "2018 Q3"
end_date = ""
current_status = "Planned" # Planned, In work, Completed

number = 10 # Number of milestone
name = "Business integration and partnership initiatives (DiDi, AirBnB, Alibaba, DHL, DPD, Amazon, etc.)" # Short description of milestone
start_date = "2018 Q4"
end_date = ""
current_status = "Planned" # Planned, In work, Completed

type = "website"
name = "naviaddress.io"
url = "https://naviaddress.io/ "
tags = ["Main"]

type = "paper"
name = "Naviaddress Whitepaper"
url = "https://naviaddress.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Naviaddress-Whitepaper-v1.0.pdf "
tags = ["Main", "Science"]

type = "forum"
name = "Bitcointalk"
url = "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2461416.new#new "
icon = "bitcointalk.png"
tags = ["News"]

type = "blog"
name = "Naviaddress Blog"
url = "https://medium.com/@naviaddress "
icon = "medium.png"
tags = ["Main","News"]

type = "twitter"
name = "Twitter"
url = "https://twitter.com/naviaddress "
icon = "twitter.png"
tags = ["News"]

type = "custom"
name = "Naviaddress Telegram"
url = "https://t.me/naviaddress "
icon = "telegram.png"
tags = ["News"]

type = "custom"
name = "Facebook"
url = "https://www.facebook.com/naviaddressplatform/ "
icon = "facebook.png"
tags = ["News"]

type = "custom"
name = "Youtube"
url = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChkEvQamePmBzDb5XlwipLQ "
icon = "youtube.png"
tags =["News"]

type = "linkedin"
name = "Linkedin "
url = "https://www.linkedin.com/company/naviaddress "
icon ="linkedin.png"
tags =["News"]

0.048 GOLOS
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