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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

KuCoin cryptocurrency exchange supported by BitCoin

Introducing KuCoin
Dear readers, today I will introduce to you the friendly cryptocurrency market that brings all users and transparency and bringing great users to KuCoin. Cryptocurrencies with around the world and a community of users in over 25 countries and markets, and this is a cryptocurrency market for everyone to trade quickly and securely with a trading and profit platform. High with transparency and secure trading volume This rate is more than 50% in India
and Mexico, and more than 82% in China. About gender, This rate is over 70% for men and over 60% for women.The spread of our platform can help address the challenges of financial inclusion. AIre has the ability to provide for people without a bank account
IDs / wallets are much cheaper than access than banks account. By entering their personal information, they can visualizing their potential through scoring, the right thing as measured by existing and receiving financial institutions financial services they could not before. It is safe and
Safe regardless of the scoring method used and we will develop and provide an environment where everyone can Use credits called Money.AIre solves the problem of inefficient data use.
Currently, each company only stores and uses a portion of the information its users leave online.
Therefore, a complete and accurate profile of users cannot be collected. Users generally have
negative feedback on the current use of their
data because the information and/or recommendations they receive as a result of it being used
are often inaccurate.
To solve these issues, AIre enables unified management of user data which allows for data to
be used with consent and data rights protected.
We believe that this mechanism can provide a wide range of application services for users.
We refer to the interface which can offer these services as a “next-generation bank” . The next
generation bank is a comprehensive digital wallet necessary for the coming era of digital

KuCoin AIre ecosystem
AIre is an ecosystem focused around data banks and their users. It provides functionality
for data banks so they can operate efficiently and transact with businesses and
personal. This section outlines AIre, its function and its business model.
It also includes a description of measures to prevent fraudulent data through the use of blockchain technology and interconnected data bank centers.
The three main functions are illustrated below:
Developed / Provided by IFA Developed / Provided by another companyUse User data
Data storage Input data AIre personal questionnaire includes three main functions: input information,
store information, and use it. Data bank
is the core of the system for data storage and API enabled
facilitate and coordinate data flow. AIre can handle
Different data sources and data ownership management, for example, fragmented data from different sources can be linked to private data banking services. Ecosystem
will allow for different processing technologies
Business scenarios, such as the implementation of W3C DID standards, or reputation
Legal user identity in data banks. Therefore, users can
As the value of personal data increases, the markets targeted by information banks are increasing every year. AI gets a variety of personal data, adding value.
Data entry and return to users. Looking at a specific use case, this can be applied to marketing and advertising. The table below shows the average annual information values for real estate, lifestyle, finance, health and beauty. For example: if the unit price is 30 to 50 million JPY to buy and sell a house or condominium, when sales are established by providing customer status, it is common to pay supply charges. 300,000 t information

A new world token
ARCS is basiclly a token which relies on the Ethereum platform. However, the operating situation of the Ethereum platform is about to reach its limitation, which has provoked alarm about its future prospects. Of course, there is still a great chance of improving the situation. Nevertheless, we are considering reissuing ARCS by using a potential and highly scaled platform compared to the current platform.
The economy is growing stronger and more modernized AIre tokens focus on ARCS token. Below is a description of the token,
Its economy, and its function.
ARCS token
5-1.ARCS token
ARCS is the original token of AIre. It can be kept in wallets that support the ERC-20 token standard and be traded on exchanges
ARCS list. It will fluctuate according to market conditions.
ARCS is mainly used for the following purposes:
Many internet users feel uncomfortable providing personal data for services due to recent public knowledge
Corporations abuse personal data. AIre encourages users about the information they provide, which is expected to decrease
Ability to store personal data.
Token economy is designed to expand the ecosystem organically as participants will receive unique benefits from using
ARCS token as opposed to fiat currency. The core value of AIre is the data that data banks hold and ARCS is
Global network currency that data buyers can use to buy data.
Here is an illustration of the ARCS token flow:

  1. Use input data in AIre data bank and receive ARCS as a reward;
  2. Companies that want to buy data from a data bank will first buy ARCS from an exchange;
  3. The company can then purchase data from the data bank with ARCS. At the same time, users will be rewarded for their data and IFA
    commission will be charged to provide services;
  4. The company can prepare data for its services and provide that data to AIre users in exchange for ARCS.
    Alre is a world which various human values can be turned into assets and used as social resources.
    ARCS is a token issued to make its construction faster.
    To realize this non-centralized system, we will operate it in a unique way.
    Settlement tokens, governance tokens, and utility tokens will also be issued. Please enjoy the new world which is full of fresh values and lighted up by ARCS
    Issuer: IFA Co., Ltd.
    Token Name: ARCS
    Token Symbol: ARX
    Total issues: 20,000,000,000 (20 Billion)
    Decimal places: 18
    Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
    Token Standard: ERC20
    WEBSITE : https://www.arcs-chain.com/
    TWITTER : https://twitter.com/ARCS_ARX
    TELEGRAM : https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@ARCS_ARX_EN
    MEDIUM : https://medium.com/arcs-arx-official
    WHITEPAPER : https://www.arcs-chain.com/whitepaper_en.pdf?v=20191122b
    Name: hoanganhloan
    Bitcointalkprofile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2706974
    ETH : 0xEFb0B30b08440A2e1f98Cb9B0b02549387F8301E
0.260 GOLOS
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