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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Welcome to the New Gold Rush. The Crypto Era has begun. Know How The MPCX Platform Can Help to Manage Your Portfolio of Crypto Assets.

Nowadays, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to find a person who hasn’t heard about cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin or blockchain. The topic is extremely popular and attracts widespread attention. Even many people who previously proclaimed that Bitcoin is valueless and who had compared it with Dutch tulip mania have started to change their minds and the reason may be to do with astonishing growth numbers. Total crypto market capitalisation has experienced immense growth of more than 105 times over the period from February 2015 to February 2018, from $ 4,23 billion to $ 448,14 billion. In the same period the number of crypto tokens has grown from 510 to more than 1500[1]. Many average Johns built themselves a fortune by buying coins and participating in ICOs sometimes with 1000x annual returns. It is the new Gold Rush and many people want to participate.

On the other hand, there is still a large gap between demand to purchase crypto assets and abilities to service the interest. Over the short period of time since the creation of Bitcoin in 2009 a lot of new fintech business have been created. A massive number of stunning projects are favoring raising money through ICOs and this is disrupting traditional financing methods such as IPOs or debt security offerings.

At MPCX we propose to offer solutions to all Innovative investors’ needs. MPCX is a digital blockchain driven financial services platform. Our long term aim is to aggregate all crypto financial services into one place.

During first stage of MPCX’s development we will create a blockchain driven decentralized ecosystem to manage innovative investors’ portfolios of crypto assets.

For innovative investors we will offer transparent and high quality Digital Crypto Wealth Management services through our unique range of products.

[1] According to: https://coinmarketcap.com/charts/
Crypto investable indices.
Crypto Large Cap Index (CLT) holds the top ten coins by market capitalization, with a maximum weight of 20% per coin.

Mid Cap Index (M20T) holds the next twenty coins by market capitalization, after the top 10, with a maximum weight of 10% per coin to maintain sufficient diversification.

The CLT and M20T indices’ weights and constituents are recalculated and adjusted based on unique methodology which was created in-house.

Smart Beta Factor Crypto Index (SBCI). The SBCI index is a smart beta factor exposure crypto index will consist of 200 coins with a maximum allocation of 5% per coin. The index’s weights and constituents are recalculated and adjusted on an algorithm driven by machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Execution of buy and sell orders of the crypto indices will be done using smart contracts which will result in more efficiency and significantly lower costs.

Digital Smart Investment Mandate.
Digital Smart Investment Mandate (DSIM) — our unique product. DSIM is a smart contract driven artificial intelligence roboadvisory computer protocol. The protocol processes all of a client’s information and creates appropriate digital investment strategy in the context of the client’s overall digital financial plan.

In addition, DSIM will not only create a strategic guide to the individual’s digital wealth planning, but also it implements this plan. The code will create crypto portfolios based on the investor’s crypto investment risk tolerance, investment objectives, horizon, liquidity needs, and unique overall crypto wealth creation aims.

DSIM will help clients to follow their objective course of action during periods of market disruptions and panic to prevent against emotional biases and instinctive responses that can lead to imprudent actions.

In addition, our user friendly client platform allows a client to choose between automatic or manual execution of their portfolio rebalancing strategy.

Proof of Governance is one of the central pivots of the MPCX’s development philosophy. Each holder of XDMC Token will be able vote and participate in the platform’s development. Our community will be rewarded for their participation with 50% of the platform’s cash flow allocated to buyback of XDMC tokens.

To learn more about MPCX and XDMC Token readers can visit our websitehttp://mpcx.co, read the MPCX’s Whitepaper or simply join us on our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter,Medium, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram and LinkedIn.

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На Golos с May 2018
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