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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

I'm a rapper on Steemit! My first time on Golos!!

This is artwork from one my contests on Steemit... "KillThePad"

Hello all!

This is my first post on Golos, and I'm really excited to give it a shot!

A little about me

I was at Steemit for 6 months. At that time, I grew up, and my account was at the same level 62 and continues to grow. I have a couple thousand followers. ** I LOVE RAP ** ... This is basically my vocation for my life, but it was not always.
Before I came to the block chain, I almost did not rap nearly five years. Crypto currency changed it. This gave me a real community of people who cared. People who help each other succeed. Through this community, I started rap again.

My music

I would consider myself a lyricist. I really like making music that makes you think. I generally do more political rap.

I'm sharing the song from the current project. This project is supported by Jullian Assange !! In fact, Julian Assange himself actually wrote a tweet last week.

Kill The Messenger

0.256 GOLOS
На Golos с June 2018
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