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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Random Bars #1 - "Harder и Harder (чтобы прикоснуться к небу)»

Это песня, которую я сделал, чтобы вытащить меня из творческого кризиса. Когда происходит творческий спад, я делаю такую музыку, потому что это мотивирует меня. Надеюсь, вам понравится!


Verse 1

Yea. I’m just chillin with a microphone
Realizing the height that I’m at, I am quite alone
Flying near the sun, I’m a space pilot, gone
That’s why these haters never speak above a quiet tone (Shhhh!)
I can see all of these green cats
Clawing at my door, as they watch me stack these greenbacks
Talked with Seveaux, he agreed that
People only hate whenever they can not achieve that
See… Some bitches put up a polite show
They act all proper like a doctor in a white coat
I see the green bleeding through like a light coat
All these coyotes pissed that I’m a white G.O.A.T!
Uhhh… Some will drown, and some might float
But either way I’m the king, you’re in my moat
Uhhh.. I walk a fine line, a tightrope
Hard pill to swallow, yea, you might choke

Verse 2

I reached a point where I thought I'd never reach now
I reached a height that your sight can't even see now
I've seen the light, we reunite it lives in me now
That's why I can flow for hours on these beats now
Now I flow for food, to pay my rent or
Spittin knowledge with vapid, he's like a mentor
That shit is so raw, you need to sign consent forms
My rhymes are nice, so don't present yours
That meant war, change the outcome
Here's a reason for bitches that hate and doubt some
always let they mouth run
JV kids talkin' like starters, I hate it
Retarded, you all play in a past bracket I played in
no more arguin, debating, it's James that caucasian ragin
Your face is now demonstrating amazement, the pace is blazin
Just face it, your shit is basic, like paint when you fill in spaces
They feint when I kill it, sacred - a saint, you can feel it, praise it

0.271 GOLOS
На Golos с June 2018
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