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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Russian President Putin Orders Government to Adopt Crypto Regulation


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President Vladimir Putin has issued another due date for the administration to receive guidelines for the advanced resources industry, as per directions for the Federal Assembly. The report was distributed on the official site of the President of Russia, Kremlin.ru, on Feb. 27.

As indicated by the record, Pres. Putin has requested the administration to implement crypto-related guideline by July 1, 2019. The President has required the Council of the Federation of Russia and the lower house the Federal Assembly of Russia (Russian State Duma) to receive the guideline amid the spring session of 2019.

In particular, the report requires the selection of government enactment that means to build up the computerized economy, including guideline of common law advanced settlements. The enactment ought to likewise incorporate an administrative system for advanced money related resources, just as pull in more noteworthy monetary assets dependent on computerized innovations, the record says.

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