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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Happiness is in the things that you least seek and that make it worthwhile to be alive (Special celebrations)

Source: Family Album- ixiz Photomontage

Good morning to all the readers of golos.io. Life and destiny is a true mystery, we never know what may happen the next day, that is why we must live every day as if it were the last. Do not look for happiness in material goods, happiness is always there, we should only be able to see it, it lies in the simple and small things of life.

The departures of Sundays have become a classic, the most grateful is my granddaughter Abigail, is expectant to the arrival of the weekend, everything makes us suppose that they will be fun days. More than fifteen days ago, our granddaughter received an invitation to attend her friend's birthday. Bianca is a girl who lived in front of our house, a few years ago she moved out of the neighborhood, in spite of it every year she comes to visit and leaves an invitation.

Abigail was very anxious waiting for the arrival of this moment, day after day she counted with the fingers of her hands how many days were missing for the birthday of her friend Bianca. The day the girl came from sight, they played tirelessly to take advantage of the meeting, since they only see each other four times a year, the first is when Abigail visits the girl to invite her to her birthday, in the celebration, then in the visit of Bianca and finally in the birthday celebration and from there a long wait of one year.

There is nothing more genuine than the feeling of children, the elderly have much to learn from them. Apparently this will be a great friendship that will last over time, there are other children in the block and despite living here there is not as much chemistry as with this girl, it must be recognized that in part there is a good intention of the parents that make it possible for this friendship lasts, with time they will be the ones that visit, meanwhile, the continuity of this friendship will depend on them.

Fate works in a mysterious way, we never know what it has destined for us, meanwhile we will do everything possible so that this friendship lasts over time. The celebration of Bianca's birthday was very fun, the children had a great time, I hope you can appreciate these images of the celebration.

Our little Sunday strolls are always fun, regardless of the place you visit or the money you have to spend, they always have a good time, because what matters in them is being with their loved ones.

Thus ends our beautiful Sunday, nothing can be done against the disposition of the destination, rather than accept as it is presented and enjoy a beautiful family Sunday, see you next Sunday.

I wish you all happiness, peace and prosperity!

The images correspond to the family album

The camera used Nikon Coolpix B500

Thank you for your visit

Jose Luis


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