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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Quantum hedge fund is the best solution for investing in cryptocurrency

You must admit that the world of financial relations has long ceased to be the way we remember it 20 years ago. What previously required a lot of effort, time and resources can be accomplished in minutes. At the same time, do everything as quickly and economically as possible.


However, no matter how convenient the structure of financial markets and the relationships present in them are not. It still has its own problems and barriers that need and most importantly can be eradicated. And these very problems are connected, first of all, with weak traditional systems, which are partly outdated before the technologies that have come into our world.

Therefore, at the intersection of interests, technologies and available working tools, a new concept emerged, ready to demonstrate to us all the best sides of its capabilities. Consider which, in more detail, I now offer you.

about the project

The project that will be discussed now is called Quantum (abbreviated QHF). It is important to note that Quantum is a hedge fund founded by a group of specialists in the management and creation of algorithmic methods of asset management. At the same time, supplementing the list of its capabilities with the development and administration of various electronic systems, which makes Quantum not only a reliable, but also a competitive participant in the financial market. At the same time, focusing on its most important and, so to speak, primary goal, namely on providing the highest quality capital management services for all crypto investors.

I know this sounds all very complicated and confusing, but I assure you, in this article I will try to tell you as general as possible what exactly the Quantum advantage really is.


And I'll probably start with the main features of Quantum, which fortunately are enough to understand the direction vector of the entire project. And the first thing worth noting among this is that the founders of Quantum strive to maintain high security in the framework of the new trading protocols, thereby reducing all operational risks. While maintaining and improving manually all the algorithmic methods of asset management.

Which in turn allows not only to comply with the strict rules of the chosen jurisdiction, but also the industry rules of the fund itself. As a result of this kind of policy, Quantum contributes to the high efficiency of all transactions with any cryptocurrency assets.
At the same time, it provides the highest level of security for client assets, where access to data is limited not only by multilevel access protocols, but also by a specially developed smart contract, as well as an additionally developed electronic security system. As you can see, the team of founders is all very serious. Indeed, initially the fund itself was created in strict accordance with all inherent legal norms, which means that it is listed in regulatory bodies and has all the necessary licenses.


As you already understood, Quantum is a kind of hybrid, where most of the obligations are undertaken by a group of professionals with over 10 years of experience in asset management. By producing them not only the highest quality, but also safe management within the framework of this hedge fund.

But, despite the presence of traditional elements of algorithmic support, Quantum still has a number of advantages that decentralized Blockchain technology gives it. Namely, the transparency, reliability and security of all operations. That is why the team of specialists has something to demonstrate in the market of modern financial services.
In doing so, not only unstable, but also other trading points that can easily harm the user's assets. That is why Quantum in its work uses more than one combination of different algorithms, each of which is checked not only automatically, but also manually. Based on many years of experience of the best of its kind traders.

Which, after algorithmic testing of market data, determine historical data, additionally test it, after which they make some adjustments and only after that launch it on the real market. This kind of process contributes to high-quality trading, which means profit for its users.


To summarize the above. I would like to note a very unusual, but interesting approach of the Quantum team to create new market relations. Of course, Quantum is something more than I managed to tell you about it.

Therefore, to complement the picture of clarity about what Quantum is and why it may be useful to you. I highly recommend getting to know the fund through its official resources. The links I prepared in advance right for you.
At the same time, I sincerely hope that you liked my article. If so, support her with your like and comment. And also do not forget to subscribe to my channel if you are not already subscribed. After all, this is the only way you will stay informed of all the most interesting crypto projects in my opinion. I was glad to try and see you soon!


Website: https://qtf.ai/r8ew2a

Telegram: https://t.me/qhfofficial

WhitePaper: https://cdn.qtmf.ai/static/partner/docs/QuantumFund-WP-v2.pdf?v=201912051559

BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5215204.0

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/qhfofficial

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/qhfofficial

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBRLq_b7FmhHZW8p8IBF_Q/featured

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