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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

EOS WIN. Make money while gaming on and EOS Dapp.

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Technology disrupting Technology has been the trend of technological existence. Once is a decade, a particular technology comes up to disrupt an already exiting technology and creates space for others to be built on it. That is a clear case of the Internet back then in the 90's and currently, it is blockchain disrupting.

The emergence of blockchains have given birth to the EOS software where Dapps can be created on the block to meet up with demands from and within the ecosystem.

The EOS WIN game has been built as a Dapp on the EOS platform. EOS WIN is a decentralized application for gaming and it sure promises to give its best in benefiting its player and users with loads of juicy packages as users utilize the advantage.

Gaming has been the spice of times past and most centuries as it was celebrated in the ancient times and still celebrated even in times to come but the innovation in gaming is the migration from just physical and organic gaming sequence to the digitization of the gaming applications which has also made it easier and more convenient for players to participate and has also made it affordable users thereby increasing the cash inflow of the gaming industry.
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The https://eos.win/i/jerrison42k4 gives its users the option of rolling dice with the EOS and also the EOS tokens. Every time you roll a dice with the EOS you get paid incentives in lucky token to the ratio of 1 EOS : 0.2 lucky and 1 lucky token in valued at 0.03 EOS
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Apart from the incentives paid in lucky tokens to every roll of the EOS dice game play, it also has a bonus reward pool system that is dynamic with respect to the total number of the reward pool and then narrowed down to a particular allocation of EOS per 100 lucky token earned. Just recently other tokens have also been added to the reward pool. The claims of the rewards will be with respect to the number of lucky tokens earned and the claims can be made once in every 24hours from the first claim time, there is a countdown timer that ensures that.
To roll an EOS, you need a minimum of 0.25 EOS to be eligible to participate in the game and to roll other tokens on the platform they have their own minimum balances that are required but you are only awarded the lucky token when you roll the EOS.
There is also an EOS lottery interface of the platform which is also one of the features in the gaming system. For those who love to be a part of lottery, you can look up on it and read the rules to understand the terms and conditions properly.

for further info visit:
website | video |Rules |telegram

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