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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

My beautiful gift to our guardian the canteen owner uncle of my hote.

Dear brothers and sisters good morning this is Julia from India and I wish you all very beautiful day ahead, this is my pencil sketch and some places I used charcoal pencil sketching so you can found it mixed Work of pencil and charcoal pencil sketching.





As you know friends charcoal pencil work is very beautiful and tough to perform as there is no chance for the correction and erasing any mistakes. I am learning the best way to draw a beautiful sketch by charcoal pencil without any complications and maybe one day I will succeed.

Friends this time I am making a sketch of our uncle who runs the canteen of our institute and he is a very good guardian for all the girls his daughter is also studying with me and I am giving this sketch to her to gift our most caring uncle for every girl of this institution.

With Love And Respect.


Hey Friends share your opinion about this topic as what do you think about this so I can add something new and interesting in my knowledge.

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На Golos с August 2018
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