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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Hello guys, how you doing? Well, I found something very interesting I found on the internet that I will share with you. So today I will be talking about online trading and what new in the market now. Let’s know first what online trading is.

It may be a community full of participants online structured for selling goods, trading or services. The online trade involves the buy and the sell option for traders to trade on with different market statistics. Basically, expert traders who trade, make huge profits compared to a beginner trader and so on, you find out that even if they both take the same risk one will have more profit than the other. Here we can say that actually that the amount of money funded to their trading accounts differs from one another, so we found out that one will be trying to go for a small amount in that market and the other might chose a larger amount. So what am I talking about actually? The platform is here and it is called LUCRE.


Lucre is a blockchain based platform that features an automated algorithmic trading system that will actually be based on the statistical analysis of data. It means that the system will allow based on the automated trading, trades could be easily entered and exited on a specific rule that has been established. What it basically does is, once is executed to your computer, the algorithm monitor finds the possible buy and sell market opportunities, that is based on a specific trading strategy.

We also found out that any trade that has been enter already, if there is any need for profit targets, stop losses and trailing stops, the system will automatically generate them for users.


The platform is the best on the market today because of its simplicity, transparency, security of user’s personal data and so on. we found out that the platform has made it very possible let say, for example, In a fast moving market, where they are immediate and quick entry of trades, so we found out that at the process they might be the difference between catastrophic loss or small loss. In such an event, it means that the trade moves against the trader. Not on this platform because I will be giving you some standard features in the platform.


Ability to Backtest: So this feature means that historical market data strategies will all be applied to the current trading rules, brings a more valuable and interesting idea to tackle the market.

Minimize Emotions: the platform has made it pretty much easier for the system to minimize and handle emotions during the trading process. Why because traders will not be able to question or hesitate once trade rules are completed.

A 24/7 Market: why it seems very possible, you could be sleeping and guess what you are making money. It I humanly impossible for a trader to trade a single signal round the clock.

The platform has a utility token which will be used on the platform


I will be concluding by saying Lucre platform has brought an opportunity for all to participate in, you don’t need any extra skill to do this, I bet this is the best.

For more details, visit the links below. Thanks.

BitcoinTalk Username: kelvinkent





Bitcointalk profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2313436

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