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Storichain can be seen as a digital historical asset management system that allows people to make online transactions even with people who cannot be relied on by entering into “agreements to prevent theft of ideas”. Another problem in the industry is profit sharing. For example, the webtoon industry, which is one of the largest plot-based industries in Korea, has exceeded $ 700 million in market size, but there are still many who doubt the profit-sharing structure in the industry, as well as in many materials. Content creators still have difficulty getting enough compensation for their work.

The Storichain Project aims to explore and develop “stories” as a type of intellectual property. The story industry can be defined as an industry that includes the work of making stories and actions that use stories created for different purposes. In 2014, Story Stories identified industries that created added value through products and companies based on research, discovery, planning, development, creation, dissemination and transmission of stories that were seen as sources of imagination and creativity.

Storichain is a project that uses block-chaining characteristics to solve problems in the story industry by providing partially distributed dApp applications and generic protocols. "Story Industry" refers to an industry that uses "stories" that cover such areas as movies, dramas, web novels, web dramas, dramas, musicals and radio shows.

Storichain can be seen as a digital historical asset management system that enables online transactions with untrustworthy people by signing the "Anti-Theft Rule ". Another issue in the industry is revenue sharing. For example, one of the largest conspiracy-based industries in Korea, the WebtoTun industry has a market size of over $ 700 million, but there are still many people who doubt profit-sharing structures in the industry as well as many materials. Content creators are still unable to get enough compensation for their work.

What is the history of this industry?

This refers to the media industry based on stories such as movies, dramas and webcomics. The role of distributors in the contemporary story industry is positive in the sense that they are responsible for efforts to provide end users with the optimal benefit of their secondary work.

But what benefits did screenwriters gain from 10 million movie programs? How will ordinary readers be able to read and answer original novels? When an original article is sold under second copyright, how often is "over-income" shared with the original author?

The issue of top profit distribution appears only yesterday and today, but we think this will not happen again tomorrow.

It is now a source of the supplementary media industry and it needs fair distribution and distribution to writers who make stories that will be 130 trillion won in the future.

On the other hand, it is very difficult to reliably collect quantitative notarial data that can be used as a basis for dissemination.

It's time to use Distributed Registration Technology (DLT) to measure "production contributed data" more precisely and supplement the narrative before selling copyright. If we could make the history of IP (intellectual property) an asset, use IP records to raise funds, and track basic data on creation contributions, it would soon be a whole new lifestyle in both creative and investment. The method is simply changed.

With the help of Distributed Registration Technology (DLT), it is time to measure "production contribution data" more accurately and reward narrators before selling copyright. By making IP records (intellectual property) an asset, using IP records to raise funds and tracking data on key contributions, it will be a completely new lifestyle in two areas. Creative. Simple investment method

Public story

Space where everyone can post confidential information in history while protecting personal information
Can be returned for unread components. The scene-based response, exchange, judgment, recommendation
Your contribution to reading about creativity is also based on your response!
Cut-in Talk: Commentary between actors
If the author receives a prize after sending an episode of his personal life
The distribution of copyright income is consistent with the growth of the index
An animated viewer for your readers. Crypto Actor change function!

Pro Stalking

Professional authoring tools for creating/distributing video scripts, webcomics, web fiction, and online repositories
Ability to download illustrations for illustrator monetization
Recent changes in creation progress, deposits and growth charts
Co-authors (translator, illustrator, acoustic, assistant writer), Smart NDA copyright protection, plagiarism detection
Pre-built smart contracts - a set of contracting frameworks for revenue sharing based on the participant's level of contribution

Trade Competition and Story

Financial Video Production / Publishing
The history of IP transactions through growth charts, measured by the contribution of participants
Competitive menu through a gateway, beginner writer
Deploy and populate decryption-based coupons

Core dumps and menus

Pro Stori: Menu for professional writers
Open Stori: A menu for creating social stories for everyone who shares stories and stories.
Stori Contesting: Competitive menu for influential writers and amateur marketers
Stori Trading: The history of intellectual property
Stori Funding: fundraising menu for making additional works such as movies and webcomics

Storage chain function

Optimized for creators
Inter author collaboration / joint recording / contracting, weekly rewards and APIs for third-party content providers
easy to use.
I want to talk anywhere, anytime.
Simple and fast authoring platform.
Matching pair
Author match / collaboration / vacancy statistics / notice update / full commission contract
A platform where readers can participate in the work, become writers, create stories, and participate
A platform that encourages participants to act honestly and transparently in accordance with their contributions.
Platform Global
Global platform for copyright translation, sale or protection for global expansion







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