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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


 AKAIITO – Cryptocurrencies might be the most recent computerized marvel in the current years. Particularly planned as a benefit expected to work as a method for trade in the cryptography world. The digital money is made to control extra unit creation, affirm exchange of various exercises, and furthermore to ensure business. Fueled by Blockchain innovation, cryptographic money utilizes decentralized control framework that conflicts with the grain of the customary managing an accounting framework.

Made in 2009, the principal cryptographic money to be acquainted with the general population was Bitcoin. Since this underlying presentation, the digital currency has advanced immensely and elective cryptographic money alluded to as Altcoins, have been made throughout the years.

Akaiito is a blockchain based platform with a reason for utilizing cryptographic forms of money in regular day to day existence. Leasing autos, apartment, purchasing or offering products, utilizing a wide range of administrations – everything will be accessible and payable with cryptographic forms of money on the Akaiito platform.

It is based on Ethereum network, subsequently, it is putting forth smart contracts and ERC perfect tokens that will fuel the environment.

This is the means by which it works – once you make a record, you can list your item with cost in AIC tokens. At the point when a purchaser chooses to purchase your item, you both concur with the smart get, the bundle will be sent to the purchaser’s address. For installment to completely prepared, QR code on the bundle should be examined when conveyed.

Akaiito is an intriguing arrangement with a tremendous potential to bring cryptographic forms of money nearer for regular use.

Understanding The Technology

Ethereum smart contract innovation is a PC convention with an extensive variety of computerized purposes. A portion of the previously mentioned designs is to facilitate, uphold, and confirm execution or arrangement of a particular contract. Not exclusively does it permit and bolster exchange without the need of outsider reinforcements? The innovation likewise guarantees that each exchange made in the platform are irreversible and completely trackable. The reason for existing is to give the largest amount of security that is better than conventional contract law.

This innovation is the way that it takes out exchange cost and extraordinarily diminishes different expenses related to such movement. The ascent of cryptographic money superbly fits the requests of the new computerized time. Sadly, the change-safe customary saving money framework and absence of comprehension on the innovation make it inadequate. The individuals who have been associated with digital money seldom utilize their reserve because of these challenges. 


Cryptocurrency boom means accretion of big amount of capital. Despite that fact no one has prepared community for the future. In particular, nobody was expecting such impetuous growth. Just think about it: 1600% just in 12 months.
Ethereum smart conract technology is a computer protocol with a wide range of digital purposes. Some of the aforementioned purposes are to facilitte, enforce, and verify performance or negotiation of a specific contract. Not only does it allow and support transaction without the need of third party backups. The technology also ensures that every transaction made in the platform are irreversible and fully trackable. The purpose is to provide the highest level of security that is superior to traditional contract law.This technology is the fact that it eliminates transaction cost and greatly reduces other costs associated with such activity. The rise of cryptocurrency perfectly fits the demands of the new digital era. Unfortunately, the change-resistant traditional banking system and lack of understanding on the technology makes it ineffective. Those who have been involved in cryptocurrency rarely use their fund due to these difficulties. 


 Aware of the situation, AKAIITO specificailly designed a unique platform to bridge the difference. Not only aims to connect the digital platform with traditional market, the platform also connects people across the globe. Offering an incredible solution to the problem, AKAIITO allows cryptocurrency user to use their crypto fund in the real world. Using their platform, now users can easily use their fund for numerous payment such as online shopping, rent an apartment, and even to buy house and cars! 

AKAIITO’s Market Capitalization

The platform does not just offer accommodation and full reconciliation of cryptographic money to customary cash framework. It additionally offers a prevalent market capitalization endeavors. With showcase capitalization that is reliably developing, advanced resources are equipped for achieving rates as high as it is present. Be that as it may, its effectiveness has dependably been addressed. With AKAIITO, this is set to change. With regards to advertise capitalization, AKAIITO gives benefits as recorded in the accompanying area:

  • Each client is offered the chance to make their very own record and outfits it with merchant bureau for item introduction.
  • Clients are permitted to offer any unit with the retail offering of as much as 10 AIC.

The individuals who wish to offer things estimated over 10 AIC may do as such after they enhance their appraisals. To do as such, they should get a positive audit on every one of made it happen and affirmed buys. Each audit must get scores of no less than 7 out of 10.The individuals who acquire five positive scores of no less than 7 indicates are given the open door offer more costly products with an addition of 5 AIC to the standard cost.There is additionally answer for greater dealers who need to offer more costly merchandise from starting with no limitations. For them there is a choice to store and stop in their wallet on AKAIITO platform, least measure of a store would be 500 AIC. The store will be discharged relatively 1/10 at the cost of each sold great. Off base the score the score and rating are as per positive standard of AKAIITO: least 7 out of 10. All store tokens will have come back to vendor accounts when required level of positive rating will be coming to. 

AKAIITO Plus Value

  • Across the board

Venture AKAIITO is unique, AKAIITO platform will join in itself all what is essential for compelling and advantageous utilization of cryptocurrencies.No question, that there are numerous great applications around, which are intended to utilize digital money in genuine life.What we need is to have all conceivable “must have” parts accessible in the separation of just a single tick. Huge people group utilizing one capable platform this is our point and vision.

  • Safe Shopping

Open the door for inspecting. Each client can impact the notoriety of another client by leaving survey or score, however simply after the arrangement is closed.Smart Contract will take after interests of the two sections of arrangement.

When purchasing installment tokens will be reserved.

When an item is conveyed purchaser by checking QR code, is affirming that he/she got the conveyance and arrangement can be effectively shut. After that tokens are exchanged with the seller.This work is ensuring immaculateness of the arrangement.

  • Low Commission

The commission is just 3%.From that 3 %, will be returned for the purchaser 1% of AIC’s by the arrangement of money back.So, fundamentally commission is only 2%

  • Money back

Animating prize program, when 1% of aggregate buy sum will come back to purchase after the arrangement is closed.Every buyer, who has affirmed the arrangement and investigated the vender will get back 1% of aggregate buy sum. 





Official Website : https://akaiito.io
Whitepaper : https://akaiito.io/files/Akaiito_WP_Eng.pdf
Blog : https://akaiito.io/blog
Twitter : https://twitter.com/OfficialAkaiito
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/officialakaiito
Author: kukin 


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