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5 лет назад

🔥Instant Assets Tokens - Providing Real World Solutions & Utilities🔥

Welcome to my simple article, and I am sure that my article will be of use to you. happy to read articles about the crypto world.

On this occasion I will discuss about https://www.iatokens.com/ from several companies in the world. I am very interested in joining this company, so do you. let's join this very promising company!...

Analyzing the history of mankind, we can safely say that the real estate market has always been, is and will grow and develop. Moreover, its turnover has long exceeded twenty trillion dollars. And I want to tell you is not enough.

However, despite the fact that the real estate market is extremely promising and highly profitable direction, it still has its own problems or as they can still be called obstacles, because of which not everyone has the opportunity to become participants in this direction. And this is due in most cases to the high threshold of entry into this business segment. After all, not everyone will have so much money to buy or build a particular property.

At the same time, not everyone has enough knowledge how to choose a liquid property for themselves to get the most out of its operation. It is important to note that this kind of strategy applies to both residential and non-residential and commercial real estate. After all, whatever the object, before you buy it, you must carefully analyze and study it. Help in this case, of course, can all related professionals, lawyers, architects and other professionals who are oriented in the real estate market. However, do not forget about their cost of services, which sometimes reaches up to 20 percent of the cost of all housing.

Thus, we see that the real estate market is full of various subtleties and nuances, compliance with which contributes to a better interaction of the investor with this investment direction. However, no matter how" good " the traditional business system is, it is not able to solve many of the problems associated with it, which means that many professionals have a chance to offer better and more favorable conditions for their users.

It is about these conditions that I want to tell you today. So don't switch anywhere and read my review to the end!

About the project and its features
The project I want to tell you about today is called IAT Platform. This is a new unique decentralized system designed specifically for the real estate market. The main feature of the IAT Platform is that all its tools are aimed at a qualitative solution to all the above problems, as well as a worthy modernization of all outdated processes in the real estate market. What does it mean?

This means that within the framework of the IAT Platform, the user will be able not only to get rid of some gray schemes associated with the purchase or sale of real estate, but also to significantly reduce all their Commission costs, improve the quality and speed of transaction processing. It will also increase the reliability and transparency of all its and its other partners ' actions. After all, for these purposes, the modern Blockchain technology was introduced, which as you remember, is the mainstay of the three most important components: transparency, reliability and security.

As you have already understood, the founders of IAT Platform seek to digitize the modern real estate market, thereby expanding the range of willing participants in this sector. If earlier only large investors could take part in the real estate market, now thanks to the built-in system of utility tokens, anyone can buy a particular property that he liked the most. And all because within AT Platform now each object real estate is presented in the form of digitized assets.

After all, not only will all transactions be fixed through the built-in smart contract, but also the specially designed architecture of the IAT Platform itself will allow to avoid many mistakes and pitfalls encountered in the traditional real estate market. Since all information will be stored and transmitted only in the blockchain network, and therefore will not be available for hacking, theft or any other hacker attack.

Also no less important detail of the IAT Platform is the lifted restrictions for all foreign investors. That is, it means that now any willing user of the network has the opportunity to purchase, rent or sell any property that he wants. I believe it is very convenient and extremely popular these days.

As you have already guessed, the IAT Platform will run its own IA Tokens with which you can perform any of the following functions: the acquisition of any assets within the IAT system; payment for various services related to the management of the same assets; payment for tax advice; purchase of furniture; payment for lawyers, real estate agents and much more. In short, the developers of AT Platform are striving to achieve a free and multifunctional use of their token, so that the participants of their ecosystem can not only feel its value, but also apply it in practice.

The total amount of IA Tokens will be 5 billion units with an initial value of $0.01 USD. It will be easy to buy them both with ETH and BTC. As for the distribution of the total amount of tokens, it will look as follows: (see figure)

Also, in addition to all these above advantages, IAT Platform has a number of positive features for a large number of users who represent one or another side of the real estate market. It is important to note that the developers of IAT Platform have not forgotten about any of them, so each such specialist has its own category of useful functions and tools with which their actions will not only be profitable, but also highly effective.

Of course, to understand their essence, you will not be enough just my words, so I am pleased to invite you to my next section of the article, which contains links to all the official resources of the IAT system.

The official resources of the project IAT Platform:
WEBSITE: https://www.iatokens.com
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iatokens
WHITEPAPER: https://www.iatokens.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/whitepaperv4.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/IATOfficial/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/IA_Tokens
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@IATokens


Bitcointalk Username: kukoro
Bitcointalk link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2318333
Telegram username: @amel545
ETH Wallet: 0x0b7dd0fdb02b5514f504b75c9c9b13c3fa61a845

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