Уважаемые пользователи Голос!
Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



Hello everyone, this time I want to give you information about a very good and extraordinary project, a well-known company abroad, the company has opened up opportunities to earn income especially for investors and miners to realize their dreams. I dreamed of my family.

Making money in the 21st century means you are very smart. Explain why people who make money the cool way make money with AoS Investing and Real Koyn.
AoS is a platform that does everything possible to exchange cryptocurrency and investments. There are many calls to cryptocurrency today, but the reality is that not everyone understands this correctly. AoS has developed several strategies to help them and their investors always smile at the bank.

By understanding that nothing is more important than trust in business relationships, AoS has built a strong network of trust, honesty and trust with its customers. Besides the great benefits you can get, there are other reasons why you should register for AoS.

The cryptocurrency market is full of uncertainties. But with a team of experts such as trusted and trusted AoS experts, you can be assured of a safe investment. Therefore, there is no reason to worry about your investment at any time.

AoS always pays great attention to professionalism and excellent delivery. We do our best to help our customers achieve all their goals. They always do the work for you. So people continue to subscribe.

The same scenario develops in RealKoyn, adding a whole new dimension to the various investments that can be made in the real estate niche. With a team of experienced and dedicated professionals, there is no better place to invest than RealKoyn. With them, you are sure that you deal with real assets and only get real profits. The entire platform is based on the Ethereum ERC20 blockchain technology, which is very good news for investors.

There are several advantages to investing in RealKoyn. The whole process has been simplified and you can buy tokens by clicking the button. Another reason this is a reliable and profitable investment is because they are tied to the land. In addition to water and food, land is the most important resource for humankind. This is a whole that always increases in value no matter what the land does not depreciate.

AoS combined cryptocurrency investment with real estate operations to completely break down the niche. So Koyn can behave like any other ERC20 token, but distinguishes it from supporting tokens in terms of security and value.

Unfortunately, most cryptocurrencies don't reach exchanges
This reality is not suitable for investors or cryptocurrencies. AoS understands that true partnerships are based on trust. Our focus is to keep our words and to speak in a global spirit. Many see the promise of cryptocurrency, but not well trained in space and because of bad apologies; These people are hesitant and skeptical. AoS eliminates the need for unhealthy skepticism.

AoS is required because of uncertainty. We help you navigate the pass phrase so you don't have to worry about stress or confusion. Cooperate with experts with production experience. Honesty is at the heart of our organization. We are taking important steps to make you feel comfortable with your investment. What do we actually bring to the table after all? We did it

We made it
Character count
customer service
you are not alone
We watch out
do not know
Qualified by others
AoS combines JUMP IN funds to provide cryptocurrency to the average person.

The future of thought
Vision partner
Full transparency
Know how your money is
Industry experts
Identify the best opportunities in the world
Physical assets
Security investment

Shortages give value

Our investment is always important because it is based on a lack of material assets. Things that cannot be easily or economically reproduced are the main goals. Real estate, industrial metals and precious metals are our focus.

  • All tokens are protected by real assets
  • Multiple tokens offer multiple options
  • token values ​​are strengthened with each other

Blockchain is the future of the internet

The Internet of Things is integrated into blockchain technology. Many mention blockchain as the biggest since the internet age. Wise investors continue to prepare for the next iteration.

  • through industry
  • through technology
  • crossing the border

Timing is everything

The main thing is not to invest, but to invest. Blockchain technologies, including cryptocurrency, are advancing and, when the space is fully settled, revenue will be generated accordingly. This opportunity is limited because most large tech companies and many non-tech companies invest huge resources in the blockchain.

  • Global companies have gone to space
  • In 10 years almost everyone knows bitcoin
  • enters the market too late

We have the answer

Most cryptocurrencies are supported only by goodwill. Our feature is supported in the value store. It uses some of the oldest assets on the planet (earth, minerals, etc.) and the technology to change the game to create something that has never been seen before.

  • Safer than other cryptocurrencies
  • same type of gain available
  • Long term and short term benefits
    Real Koyn (RKYN)-current AoS offering, join us
    Real estate is "real". Collecting properties will generate token revenue. Since there are so many tokens that cannot be traded, cooperate with a group that has already established a relationship for token exchange. Our goal is to raise money.

Our goal is to be your only asset partner.

Invest in cryptocurrency.

Easy setup and monitoring
You will receive their portal with a custom control panel to manage your property.
Convenient and easy
Keep track of all your cryptocurrency investments in one place (as well as the branded product "koyn").
Safe and reliable
We have taken appropriate precautions to keep your money safe.
As well as coins. , , Coin-Team!
As our cryptocurrency partner, we need to offer a variety of opportunities and provide liquidity as well as impressive returns.

Big difference between union and investment
If you invest, you can earn money with profits (I hope). Our pool returns more than money. Our pool benefits everyone involved. As a member, you are entitled to strong benefits.
Our members have access to loans based on their coin holdings. Therefore, growth can continue according to the needs of life.
Lottery ticket
How about starting your day and checking your email to see if a deposit has been made to your bank account? The draw randomly selects participants as a gift.
We also provide charity gifts in emergencies. Something unexpected happens and we are creating a real community to support ourselves, which means support from our members.

Democratization of wealth as well as investment
Please select a plan. Each penny is fully deposited into your account. An equal amount of coins will be offered each month under the bonus package. Pursue wealth, make autopilot. New coins will be sent automatically before the official launch date. This gives members the opportunity to double their investment. Where else does the club not have a chance to spend a lot of money? Become a member by buying Real Coins (RKYN). Buy Real Tokens-Real Coins (RKYN)

●Supersonic Tycoon
$ 0.99 per month
● Supersonic Tycoon
$ 3.99 per month
● Beam Mogul
$ 9.99 per month

Token Distribution

Multi trench is better for early participants.

  • 20%: Reserve
  • 60%: real estate assets
  • 5%: air drop
  • 2%: participants and consultants
  • 10%: Founder
  • 3%: generosity and marketing

Type of investment property

If you have a mix of real estate types, you can find the best deal.

  • 10%: industry
  • 10%: land
  • 35%: multi-family
  • 25%: housing
  • 20%: Commercial

Use of funds

Most of the funds associated with the acquisition of the project

  • 5%: Marketing
  • 85%: real estate identification, security, development, sales
  • 10%: management, operation, law

Bonus Magazine Pre-Sale

The first round is always the next round after the most successful. I'm glad to come early.
First Round-20% Bonus
● Start date: February 14
● End date: February 21
● Token Price: $ 0.10
Second round-15% bonus
● Start date: February 22
● End date: February 29
● Token Price: $ 0.15
3rd-10% Bonus
● Start date: March 1
● End date: March 7
● Token Price: $ 0.20
Final Round-5% Bonus
● Start Date: March 8
● End date: March 15
● Token Price: $ 0

Road map

April 2018
Organizational development
Create offers including legal and white papers
July 2018
National team selection
Identify key team members, reach, and location.
September 2018
Core development team
Teaming up for successful raising, planning and development of future projects
January 2019
Social Network Beta Development
We began to develop the concept and architecture of responding to the gaps in social networks.
March 2019
Community development
Enter the crypto world to include all major cryptographic media and channels.
July 2019
Social Network Beta Development B
Proceed to the next step in the development of Holysitic social networks.
November 2019
Team development and training
Recruit and post new members correctly and prepare for launch.
January 2020
Media, public relations and community engagement
PR launches and offensive via social networks.
January 2020
Motivate investors by raising funds with pre-sale bonuses and discounts.
February 2020
Official ICO
Continue fundraising through 4 stages of the ICO.
March 2020
Official NOO
Continue to raise funds through IEO with carefully selected partners.
April 2020
Inventory list
After considering the exchange options, we enter into a contract and make a list of several exchanges.
June 2020
Project start
Our team will research, identify, analyze and defend projects that meet our criteria.
July 2020

Social Network Site Complete

Members benefit from the entire online community.

They said it best
In a Forbes interview, Navrup Sahdev summarized the emerging crypto space. Ben Bernanke's potential was evident in childhood. Ordinary people and “people with power” know that the future is a cryptocurrency that uses blockchain technology.

"Encryption is actually tokenization of electrons, not oil molecules, and it becomes a reference repository for everything useful in your life."


  • Frederik Lund
  • Rubab Arshad
  • Sean Brizendine
  • Hamza Khan
  • Daryl Naidoo
  • JC Wren
  • Nick Gray
    Kenneth Jones


WEBSITE=> https://aosinvesting.com/
WHITEPAPER=> https://realkoyn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/AoS-Real-Koyn-Whitepaper-1.10.pdf/
ANN THREAD=> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5217535.msg53603060#msg53603060
TELEGRAM GROUP=> https://t.me/aospooling
TELEGRAM CHANNEL=> https://t.me/AoSpool
FACEBOOK=> https://www.facebook.com/AoS-Pooling-Art-of-Science-122718612451666
TWITTER=> https://twitter.com/AoSPooling
LINKEDIN=> https://www.linkedin.com/company/aos-pooling/about/

Author by:

Username => lani123lani
Bitcointalk Profile => https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1220105
ETH wallet => 0xaeC6B59a69a13FBea61AC87b27Cc50d8F594F923

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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