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Hello! In this article we will talk about cryptocurrency mining and a very cool project TLSGroup

Today you will learn:

What is mining and why is it profitable;
How can you mine cryptocurrency;
What cryptocurrencies are beneficial for mining.
About TLSGroup

Mining – the use of computing power for the production of cryptocurrency.

The very concept of mining appeared in 2010, when those who mined cryptocurrency compared with miners, and the currency itself then with precious metals. A special installation has to shovel a huge amount of data to find the necessary key and get a portion of cryptocurrency.

Mining is now a means of investment for many people who until 2017 did not even know what it is. Due to the fact that the price of leading cryptocurrencies has jumped several times (or even dozens of times), people continue to seriously think about how to also make money on this wave of success.

How does cryptocurrency mining work

Let's consider the principle of mining on the basis of the most popular cryptocurrency – bitcoin, as most other currencies are either clones or have similar principles of operation.

Mining is not tied to any centralized Issuer. That is, the release is engaged in the system itself in automatic mode. But before you tell how the issue – the creation of new bitcoins-first a couple of words about the transactions themselves within the system.

To transfer money from one wallet to another, it is necessary not only to make a transaction, but also to receive confirmation from other users that this transaction must pass. And to get it-you need the user to collect 1 block of transactions. In order to collect a block of transactions, you need to get a hash from each operation.

The job of the computer is to pick up a hash for each transaction. The number of transactions in the block depends only on their volume – it is necessary that they do not exceed 1MB of information in total. Despite such a small volume, it takes a lot of time and computing power to search the hash.

For example, compared to 2015, the complexity of mining has increased by 10 000! time. This led to the lack of opportunities to mine bitcoin on their own almost all users.

In summary, we can say this: mining-search of different options to build a hash combination for each transaction in the block. For example, the system adjusts the complexity of building transactions so that one block takes 10 minutes. Therefore, the more miners, the higher the complexity.

After we figured out how bitcoin works approximately, let's look at why only 2 components for mining are currently used-chips on video cards and ASIC processors.

Initially, the bitcoin system had a button "Get cryptocurrencies". After clicking on it, the processor was activated and began to use the power for production. But then, found out that video cards considerably exceed computing power of processors, and this button was removed.

Then it turned out that the chips on the video cards are much stronger than themselves, and over time, only they were able to produce top cryptocurrencies, such as ether and bitcoin. That's how mining on processors has become a thing of the past.

Now, the complexity of bitcoin mining is such that only ASIC processors, specially sharpened for bitcoin mining, can cope with them independently. Independently mining bitcoins on a home PC has long been impossible.

Mining on video cards has become popular thanks to the Ether. This cryptocurrency is quite expensive (400 + dollars) and to mine it, you can use only video cards.

Even special ASIC, which would work with the Ether is not, and is unlikely to be. Simply because in the extraction of ether, what matters is not how much information the processor can process, but the speed of processing. That is why it is still difficult to find something other than video cards that can work with this crypt.

If everything is reduced to a couple of words that will be understandable even to a simple user, the mining process can be described as follows:

Download and install the program for mining;
The power of the equipment is directed to the calculation of all possible options;
If the option is correct, then the miner receives a reward;
The higher the power, the higher the probability of finding the right option.
That's the whole technology of mining in simple words.

The main methods of mining
In mining, you can act in three main ways:

Work in the pool.
Collect your farm.
To use the services of cloud mining.
Let's look at each method in more detail. They assume different costs, profits and the necessary equipment to start. Let's start with the simplest-mining in the pool.

Mining in a pool
A mining pool is an Association of several miners who direct the processing power of their computers in order to extract currency.

Due to the fact that the extraction takes too much energy and requires more power, it is simply impossible for ordinary computers to get into the number of those who have found the necessary combination. While normal installations for mining touch a huge number of options, the home PC is very limited in its capabilities.

This method is suitable for those who want to try out what cryptocurrency mining means, whether it can make a profit and whether it is worth doing. This is an option for skeptics, beginners and those who do not have money for equipment.
You can even work on your home PC. You need to download a program that will automatically direct the calculations of your computer, combine with other users and increase the chances of success. In this case, each will then receive a share according to the contribution to the production. That is, the more powerful your computer, the higher the reward.

Mining equipment: everything is quite simple here. Suitable computer or laptop. Even home machines can bring at least some profit, if you make them work 24/7.

How much you can get: here everything is not as good as in other ways. Maximum 1.5-2 dollars a day, and then, if the video card is powerful enough.

As you can see, mining without attachments is not a myth, especially if you have your home PC that has a good gaming video card. However, you will not get a big profit, since even the most "strong" computer has a capacity of about 26 times lower than one farm.

Mining farm
Mining on the farm is one of the most profitable, interesting and mainstream ways to work with cryptocurrency.

In late 2016-early 2017, there were many interesting videos regarding mining, cryptocurrency and bitcoins in particular. This suggests that the topic is popular even in Russia, where people are increasingly skeptical of various innovations, leaving room for so-called stability.

Mining farm – a special installation, the entire design of which is aimed at maximizing computing power.

There are several models of farms: on special equipment (ASIC processors) and video cards. ASIC processor is a product that was created exclusively for bitcoin mining. Since the increase in the number of miners inevitably leads to the complication of mining algorithms, conventional equipment has ceased to cope with this. Then it was decided to create processors.

Unlike pools, there are no special sites for mining. There is only hardware, the software and the hash computation.

Farms on video cards appeared thanks to the ether. His mining algorithm clearly said that you can get this currency only on video cards (and before you could use for this purpose and the processor and even the hard drive).
The method is suitable for those who have enough funds to collect/buy a mining farm and free space to place it. And also do not forget about the associated disadvantages – high electricity costs and constant noise.

Mining equipment: a full-fledged farm consisting of either video cards or special processors. It will take up space as one full-fledged computer Desk.

How much can you get: the farm generates revenue depending on the power of the graphics cards it uses
Cloud mining
Quite an interesting way of extraction. Companies that provide cloud mining services claim that this is a "mining equipment rental". That is, you pay a certain amount, getting the necessary computing power-hash.

In fact, you just buy a piece of equipment and in conjunction with other users use it, receiving a reward according to the investment. Something like working in a pool, only for the equipment is responsible for another company.

You get profit either in cryptocurrency or in money at the rate on the day of production. The second method is more convenient, because in it you will not need to look for cryptocurrency exchanges to sell earned.

Suitable for those who do not want to bother with farms or do not have a lot of money, but are interested in mining. Investments are minimal-from $ 2.

Profit in cloud mining – 1/100 of investments per day. About this figure say everyone who has ever engaged in cloud mining.

It would be an ideal way to mine cryptocurrency, if not a pair of "BUTS". There is no reliable information about how effective such services are for mining. Someone says that after buying capacity in the first few weeks everything went well, investments slowly fought back, but then there was a sharp decline. Others say that everything is fine, and after 100-120 days repulsed investments and went to plus.

And there is also a certain risk that many companies for cloud mining are nothing more than financial pyramids that raise funds to then disappear. This may not be true, but there is a certain percentage of scammers, and since the industry is new, it is impossible to determine who is honest, and who came only for profits.

And the position of companies that claim that the demand for mining products is much lower than the supply is also very vulnerable. The same company Nvidia, which plans to launch a separate line of graphics cards for mining, says that there is demand even from large-scale companies

And now it's time to tell you about such a cool and promising project TLSGroup.

TLS Group is one of the leading companies engaged in cryptocurrency mining, using Green Energy and money management methods. The main goal of TLS Group is to become one of the largest Fund and to help them in this will be their well-known partners. Also, the project already has its own original technology, thanks to which it will be possible to process solar energy in order to further engage in mining crypto assets. With this technology, people who have invested will receive a stable additional income of more than 40% every month. TLS Group uses a technology called CSP. CSP converts solar heat into electricity and thanks to their partner Si14 produces electricity from solar energy several times more productive than other similar technologies. Therefore, with the help of the sun, electricity will be much cheaper.
Main function

1.Security. Users including investors can not worry about their finances and personal data, as security will be at a high level.

  1. Many years of team experience. All team members have extensive experience in areas such as blockchain, Finance and so on. And use their knowledge every day.

  2. Innovations. TLS Group uses innovative solutions to convert solar heat into electricity.

  3. Technical support is available 24 hours a day and is ready to answer all your questions.

  4. Transparency. The TLS Group team is fully behind the open dialogue between users with

about our whole world.

  1. Identity verification (KYC). To purchase tokens, each investor will need to undergo verification.


Information about the token:

The project's own token is TLS and it is dividend. Token holders can receive income from the company's profits.

The name of the token Token TLS



Total number of tokens– 2 000 000 000 TLS

The minimum fee is $ 10 000 000

The maximum fee is $ 20 000 000

Price of 1 token-1.3$

I think this project is very promising. Investments should bring good capital. Since it is very technological and in demand. He embodied the best in himself.

And more information can be found on the website:

Website: https://tlsgroup.io/

Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14TNLJNCi692T82mNXBlaooyB7KTtI6Qz/view

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tlstoken/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TLSGroup1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tls_group_llc/

Telegram: https://t.me/tlstoken

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tls-token/

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