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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Be human - Wake up and live!

If we assimilate that the essential is invisible to the eyes and the lukewarm, perhaps the same destruction does not lead to rethinking what is essential that we can not see, or at least we can not in a conventional way. Our linear thinking makes us suppose that what is essential is what is strictly necessary, although not always sufficient. Thus, what is essential is that which makes something that it is. What makes a plant, a plant and not a rock, what makes us human and not animals. So, what is our essence?

Certainly, this question is not new, and even more, it is likely that we do not yet have an absolute answer (after all, what is absolute, right?), But if it is feasible to form some original assumptions about what it is that It makes us really human is that unlike animals, we have the ability to reason, thanks to a psyche. This human soul, is extremely complex, governed by rules other than linear, unique and unrepeatable. This means that what makes us human is the ability to think and feel, but always remembering that each soul is unique, and is traversed by time and space in different ways. It is important to highlight the non-linearity of the soul since one of its particularities is ambivalence.

Ambivalence is yes, but not every day. It's love and hate, it's fight and flight. It is a game of forces, an impulse that leads us to continue, and another that drags us backward. Ambivalence is life, there is no psyche. There is death.

"Wake up and live" sings Bob Marley, and I think about the warm sleep of the oppressed. Wake up, stop sleeping, suppose you have been awake before, and call for action. Live, what is it to live then?

To live is to take sides, to live is to BE human. Awakening to be is to run from the object position to recognize us as subjects. It may be that our wakes up and lives today, implies a shift of the object position, to (re) wake up to (re) subject ourselves. Perhaps one of the most difficult tasks in this becoming subject is to admit that we think, feel and suffer.

To admit that we suffer is to face that we need to put a limit to the situation, to the other. And maybe, accept that this limit, after all, must be imposed on our own enjoyment, which tends to put us to sleep.

Leya Argoz
You can find this post in my blog.

Photo taken with Nikon Coolpix L830
Bogotá, Colombia

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