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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

KU COIN cryptocurrency ARCS

There are a lot of cryptocurrencies in the world and today I will introduce you to Ku Coin cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency exchanges as you know the BitCoin cryptocurrency was a long time ago a cryptocurrency market. chomoij people who trade with a lot of cryptocurrencies for every transaction bring people with a high benefit with the AIre ecosystem which is an ecosystem centered around data banks and their users. It provides functionality
for data banks so they can operate efficiently and transact with businesses and
personal. This section outlines AIre, its function and its business model.
It also includes a description of measures to prevent fraudulent data through the use of blockchain technology and interconnected data banking centers with transparency that gives you security. which AIre provides management and storage functions
Data structures vary in network data banks, basically a business to monetize data. Network participants can access and build on AIre through custom built or live applications via proprietary APIs. This provides a flexible framework This makes it easy for companies to build their businesses scripts and applications with strong insights from dataanalysis.
This is where AIre creates revenue. Since token holders can participate in a variety of ways, We provide a mechanism for the ecosystem to grow naturally. In AIre, payments are made with tokens. For details, see the chapter on the token economy

A new world token ARCS

ARCS is the original token of AIre. It can be kept in wallets that support the ERC-20 token standard and be traded on exchanges
ARCS list. It will fluctuate according to market conditions.
ARCS is mainly used for the following purposes:
Many internet users feel uncomfortable providing personal data for services due to recent public knowledge
Corporations abuse personal data. AIre encourages users about the information they provide, which is expected to decrease
Ability to store personal data. Key wallets can manage cryptocurrencies like
ARCS, which allows users to transfer and receive digital
asset. The rise of digital identity that created new standards for selling stocks or securities is not a recommendation, recommendation, or cause any other type of investment, and will not
It is considered as a document proposing, promoting or promoting the purchase of securities in any and all jurisdictions.
The following terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as terms and conditions which) are not submitted or registered at
any jurisdiction or regulatory body, and no consideration, endorsement or plan of that kind is made by any token provision that does not provide any ownership. any of the ARCS to its owner, nor does it provide any rights related to equity,
stock or rights related to a similar product, rights to a portion of future revenue, intellectual property rights or any

ARCS. At the same time, we will set up a new ARCS Fund and lock 50% of all issued ARCS as a foundation asset. Therefore, we will build a third-party system that can effectively use assets for society and users, instead of centralizing token management. IFA is committed to diluting centralized control and contributing to the society as a whole.

ARCS is basically a token based on the Ethereum platform. However, the operational situation of the Ethereum platform is about to reach its limit, which has caused a warning about its future prospects. Of course, there is still a great opportunity to improve the situation. However, we are considering re-releasing ARCS using a potential and high-scaled platform compared to the current platform.

In general, not only will we issue payment solvable tokens, we will also issue governance tokens, Alre's commitment to managing the world, and regionally appropriate security tokens. We will try our best to develop ARCS because it will contribute to the new world

Publisher: IFA Co., Ltd.
Token name:
ARCS token Symbol: ARX
Total problems: 20,000,000,000 (20 billion)
decimal places: 18
Blockchain Platform:
Ethereum token standard: ERC20

WEBSITE : https://www.arcs-chain.com/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/ARCS_ARX
TELEGRAM : https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@ARCS_ARX_EN
MEDIUM : https://medium.com/arcs-arx-official
WHITEPAPER : https://www.arcs-chain.com/whitepaper_en.pdf?v=20191122b
Name: duvclnhi
Bitcointalkprofile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2674049
ETH : 0x873921a7A08b216Fda84121e862A0408fE18d65d

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