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4 года назад

REVIEW PayAccept

Pay Accept introduces the electronic payment platform
Pay Accept hello dear readers today I will introduce to you about cryptocurrencies Pay Accept is a highly appreciated cryptocurrency with the market with an exchange with more than 50 other cryptocurrencies. PayAccept is a platform of the PayAccept blockchain that will target the strongest and proven projects for invitations to the PayAccept platform.
Today, thousands of smart contracts (self-executing contracts run on Blockchain) have been implemented on the Ethereum Blockchain, ensuring Ethereum is worth more than $ 2.1 million ($ 420 million). Companies using Ethereum provide PayAccept with a large potential user base to provide easy access to the PayAccept web wallet. We at PayAccept will enter a market of more than $ 250B to provide new market participants with a complete wallet management ecosystem for holding their cryptocurrencies as well as a new one. for old blockchain-based projects and established Blockchain through the use of cryptocurrency trading platforms and digital wallets. However, one must have access to the password, namely the private key (s) that allow a person to engage in transactions in digital infrastructure. The private key is a complex combination of different characters
PayAccept can easily communicate with it.
Monitoring services also exist to manage cryptocurrencies. Most cryptocurrency trading platforms act as custodians by providing their users with wallets for storing and trading cryptocurrencies, though the management and access of private keys is kept back by those platforms PayAccept is the best trading platform for everyone
PayAccept In this system, it will provide stable intrinsic value, interest payments, privacy, transparency, secure ownership, free real-time transactions, conversion and conversion capabilities. No international borders, many payment methods, free basic account services and legal framework. But above all, PayAccept is designed to serve people and people who want a business or any transaction. For this purpose, it was founded on the principles that are opposed to the current system, such as deflation instead of inflation, public control and transparency for the common good instead of the secret to the benefits. personal. To operate in the current monetary system, PayAccept will be released in the form of traditional blockchain and financial security by bringing digital wallet management to the public. We are on the road towards millions of non-bankers worldwide

Main information about NEXT.exchange
Customers: 50k registered users;
Group members: 10+;
Blockchain: Mainnet, with more than 150 masternodes;
Total supply: 16,5 M NEXT;
Market cap (2020): $ 800k- $ 1M

Market exchanges and deals

Pay any invoice anytime with any currency, electronic money or fiat. Send in one currency and receive in another currency for the ultimate crypto function. Gift card, or card reloaded directly into fiat currency and vice versa? No problem, we helped you get insured through our channels.
Trade fiat and cryptocurrencies through a single interface: The PayAccept network allows customers to freely exchange assets without having to worry about face value. Payers and recipients of any transaction can choose the property of their choice, so customers can pay in Bitcoin to an individual who requests Euro.
Connect a bank account: PayAccept users can link up to 3 bank accounts with their PayAccept Wallet.
Analytics tools: Users can get detailed information about their spending and asset use through intelligent analytics tools.
Ownership of funds: Users retain access to their wallets Private keys and all money is stored by cold storage.
Warning: Notify all domestic and foreign transactions.
Mobile PoS: Users can use the PayAccept app to become their own Point of Sale or Pay and unlock a new revenue stream on the go.
Extensive payment options: Users can process their payments in over a thousand different cryptocurrencies and convert them into one. Any bill can be paid in any currency, cryptocurrency or fiat via the PayAccept app. Need to convert a gift card or reload card directly into fiat or cryptocurrency? We have got you covered.
Joint business accounts: PayAccept users can activate virtual shared multi-asset accounts for business purposes and enjoy the security, transparency and immutability provided by Blockchain technology.
Global availability: PayAccept users can accept payments in cryptocurrencies from around the world
Easy setup for businesses: PayAccept provides payment buttons, archived payments and embedded invoices for your website. PayAccept also works with countless plugins and integrations.

about the token
token Develop with us and get a PAY token, with PAY you benefit from our products and services we provide for payment processing (cryptocurrencies) worldwide hour

Why invest in PayAccept (PAY)?
PayAccept is a comprehensive asset platform that provides direct exposure to currencies, commodities, stocks and fiat indices. PAY token general assets (authenticated token supplier) to purchase any PAY token or any part of it. The reality of presenting it is neither grounded nor relied upon in relation to any contract or investment decision (PAY) locked in a smart contract as collateral. NEXT tracks the prices of various assets, allowing cryptocurrency and non-cryptocurrency users to trade in EU-based e-commerce with a Multifunctional Blockchain (Mainnet) on NEXT Exchange without restrictions. liquidity term. PAY owners can stake their PAYs to earn rewards. Please refer to
When will I receive my token?
The token is immediately distributed via smart contract to the address you used to make the payment. To view your PAY balance, you need to add the PAY contract address to your wallet:

Can PAY be purchased with BTC, ETH, vv
If you plan to buy a large amount ($+), we will try to stay with you. Please email us at
PayAccept Liquidation Group on PayAccept Swap: every week, a portion of PAY is added to the total supply through inflation monetary policy distributed as a reward to the sTRX / BTC ETH liquidity providers on Oikos Swap. NEXT and PayAccept are NEXT mainly focused on cryptocurrency exchange, while PayAccept is more focused on a payment institution where fiat and cryptocurrency payments can be made. PayAccept makes it easier for NEXT to execute. Encourage liquidity providers to create the largest liquidity group on financial services based on honest transactional blockchain protocols. Our partners will be used to enhance PayAccept liquidity over time.
PAY Auction: PAY is currently testing a new mechanism with delivery The current version of PayAccept.Exchange only supports market orders that limit the usability of exchanges. An advanced order tool will be able to support limits, stop losses, stop limits and other advanced order types. This will use a forwarding network to handle advanced orders. Advanced order types are critical to achieving feature parity with centralized exchanges. PayAccept, which enables users to digitally transfer and receive
asset. The rise of digital identity creates new standards for selling stocks or securities with a delivery economy for you to trade around the world.

This is a funeral platform with lots of potential and all convenient transactions for you to trade or deposit here and one you can make debits and all transactions are free with market support. 24/24 Any bill can be paid in any currency, cryptocurrency or fiat through the PayAccept app. Need to convert a gift card or reload card directly into fiat or electronic money and you're scared of buying insurance We have you covered
Well the article here information below people refer to more
*website: https://www.payaccept.net/
PayAccept : https://www.payaccept.net/register
telegram: https://t.me/payaccept
telegram: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5255787.0
twitter: https://twitter.com/payaccept
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/payaccept
Name: duvclnhi
Bitcointalkprofile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2674049
ETH : 0x873921a7A08b216Fda84121e862A0408fE18d65d

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