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7 лет назад

100rub.club Passive income MUTUAL CASH PASSAGE

here are links for participation in the project big_2863_f13249261091354624683.jpg: http://100rub.club/?f=zimin


Mutual Funds are Internet sites where people voluntarily exchange financial gifts according to the marketing of the project. From the financial pyramids they are distinguished by many, at least that there is no investment of money under the% and for a certain period, and the operations take place most often directly between the participants.

In such projects, people risk only the initial contribution provided by marketing, usually a penny, from 1 ruble and the maximum is up to $ 100. This excludes the loss of a significant amount of money, as it was in the 90s when people in the financial pyramids were losing apartments, cars.

In the runet, mutual assistance funds began to appear in 2014, and already in 2016 hundreds of thousands of people began to earn money in them. During this time, hundreds of projects appeared and closed, just like in the proverb "the first pancake is always lumpy." By the end of 2016, only a dozen such projects have remained and are being strengthened. The whole point of these projects is that when you enter the project you make a present to a higher-ranking participant, and in the future you receive gifts for the same amount, but from more people. Further with the received profit you send a part of money still to the higher participant and receive the same sums, from more number of people. More details about marketing I'll tell below.

What is the difference between the Financial Pyramid and the mutual fund? The financial pyramid is a way of providing income to the participants of the structure due to the constant attraction of funds. Pyramids do not have restrictions on deposits, they are falling at a time when they can not meet obligations on large deposits. In the mutual aid fund, participants exchange their money directly with each other, and all money is stored directly on the accounts of all participants.

What is the difference between mutual funds and matrix projects? The mutual aid funds have a tiered structure filling system, at the first level 2-4 people, on the second level it is twice as large, on the third level it is twice as large. Profit in this project comes immediately when a new participant enters the structure. In matrix projects, almost the same thing, only profit comes only when the matrix is ​​closed by the project.

Due to which there are mutual funds? As a rule, mutual assistance funds exist due to the fact that the project administrator is the first in the structure, he is the same participant in the project, therefore his main task is to ensure that the project works as long as possible, that is why they have a long-lasting mechanism of work. For me So, let the administrator earn the most, for that it gives an opportunity to earn a huge number of people!

Cut from the program "POINT OF VIEW" and the theme of the program "Debt slavery Russians."
It is due to this economic situation in the country that these projects are gaining momentum. I remember when mutual funds only began to appear on the runet, in them for a year from strength gathered 5-10 thousand people. Now, already at the pre-start such projects are being collected from 10,000 people.

How many such projects are working on time? The structure of such projects is made so that they can work indefinitely, due to the fact that there is no common account and a deposit of money for certain interest for a certain period. Entering such a project, a person presents a gift to one of the participants, not to the project in any way, and then receives the same gifts only repeatedly, from the other participants in the system in the order of filling up the structure. The speed of receiving gifts depends on the development of the entire structure, it can be a day and a month and a year ...

How much can you earn at the mutual benefit fund? In each project you can earn the amount provided by marketing, of course this is not a week or even two, it takes several months to build a structure, it's not worth to be afraid of it because projects are set up for a long time. You can receive money from these projects in two ways:

  1. Buy the first level and just wait for the overflows, not inviting anyone to raise the levels. There just luck is not lucky, maybe it's lucky, and with the 100 rubles invested it will turn out, say, in the end, raise 100-200 thousand rubles.

  2. Work in this direction, invite people, develop the structure. The larger the structure, the faster and more financial receipts will be. Nowadays, you do not even need to invite anyone, just place the link in the right place at the right time.

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