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7 лет назад

Block Chain Technology Can Secure Genomic Data more Precisely For Every Person.


Huge Possibility That Blockchain Technology Solve Genomic Privacy Issues?

What exactly are genomes?

The genomes that we have in our body contain a lot of valuable information. These details are being used by practitioners in order to diagnose and prevent different types of illnesses. The DNA information can be used to figure out your probability to get schizophrenia or depression, your life expectancy, your intelligence level, your full ethnic ancestry and your political inclinations. Within a period of 20 years, your genomes have the ability to reveal additional information.
What Happen if Your Genome Data fall to Wrong Hand:
It Can Ruin person social and financial Life if Genome Data Falls To Wrong Hand and if it's disclosed to public. Your Company can postponed your promotion if they know your Genome Data prediction show that your ability is not match their requirement. Insurance company terminate your Life risk policy if they know in future if have chance getting a fatal disease.

David Koepsell, who is a successful entrepreneur, claims that he has the perfect solution for all the genome privacy related issues. What he is trying to do is to apply Blockchain technology in order to store and record genome data in a secure manner.

Advantage of Block Chain Technology:

The security associated with genomes is extremely high and data can be stored there for free. On the other hand, all the information stored here would become unhackable. The data would remain encrypted and when you get the need to provide access to your genome information to the doctor, you will be able to provide a time limited key for the doctor.
For More Information-
Source: https://www.crypto-news.net/will-blockchain-technology-solve-genomic-privacy-issues/

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