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7 лет назад

Earth Surface Water Not Coming From Ice Comets, Rather than Coming From Within Earth, Driven To The surface By Geological Activity

i# headermage


Water covers around 70 per cent of the Earth's surface, but a huge amount also lies inside our planetThe Amount of This Water is three time more than our total ocean Water.

Our Surface water not coming from Ice Comets Hitting The Earth.This water coming From within Earth, Driven to The surface by Geological Activity.

Two new studies suggest that there may be vast quantities of water as far as 620 miles (1,000 kilometres) below the surface.

Two studies found evidence of oceans of water in Earth's lower mantle.
The first found a water-filled mineral called brucite exists in the deep Earth.
A second study found this water is much deeper than any seen before.

Water in the Earth's interior is crucial since it helps in mantle convection- a process by which solid rocks move from hotter to colder regions over geological time scales.

If there were no water in the Earth's interior, mantle convection would be headere inefficient and would eventually cease.

Without this huge store of water, the geodynamic activity that causes volcanoes - which are important for generating soil and sustaining life on the planet - would cease.

More Information:
Source:. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3960442/amp/An-ocean-water-620-miles-Earth-s-surface-dries-life-planet

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