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7 лет назад

Increased Investment In Renewable Energy Create Green Job and Increased Growth and Reduced Air Pollution In Asian Economy


Due To Increased investment in renewable Energy, Countries Create sufficient growth, And More Green Job in Emerging Asia.

Despite a challenging global environment, the growth prospects of Emerging Asia (Southeast Asia, China and India) remain robust over the medium term, according to the latest edition of the OECD Development Centre’s Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India.
Energy Consumption Increased In Coming Decades in Emerging Asia Due to Demographic And Economic Growth Plus Other Impact Of Socio- economic Factor.

The Asian Countries has adopted specific targets for the deployment of renewable energy capacities, for example solar and wind powers and HydroPower That decrease Consumption of Fossil Fuel Decrease Emmition of Carbon Dioxide. Government give special attention and reduced tariffs will make renewables a cost effective and yet competitive with conventional energy sources, but setting rates remains a challenge.

Harnessing Emerging Asia’s enormous potential for renewable energy is vital to mitigate climate change and facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy. It also provides opportunities for enhanced Energy Security, Job creation and reduced air pollution.

The installed capacity of renewable energy is increasing. China and India are making large contributions to global investment in renewable energy. Among ASEAN countries, Viet Nam, Thailand, Malaysia and Lao PDR are the main contributors, with particularly large investments in hydropower.

Government need special attention to decreased the barriers to investment in renewable energy through adequate policies will be essential for developing alternative energy sources in the region.

According to the report, greenfield Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) enables the transfer of capital, technology and expertise in renewables. India, China and Indonesia have received the largest inflows, accounting for more than 60% of the region’s total. FDI also supports the expansion of green jobs.

All Asian Countries Government Need to take following steps to Increased Renewable Energy Production in their Respective Countries
1)Create Investor Friendly Environment in the Region.

  1. Reduced Administrative Barriers.
    3)Energy Pricing Mechanism.
    Conclusion : If Government can make more priorities on Renewable Energy Resources Then Very Soon Asia will Reduced Air Pollution Rate in their Region And Advese effect of Global Climate changed will also Reduced.
    More Information:
    Check Source:http://www.oecd.org

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