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7 лет назад

Human Brain Merged With Artificial Intelligence For Making A Better World


All Silicon Valley Company Through Out The World
Going To Use Human Brain and Merge People with Artificial Intelligence For Making A Better World.

1)Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announced his latest venture, Neuralink, which will design so-called brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Initially, the BCIs will be used for medical research, but the ultimate goal is to prevent humans from becoming obsolete, by enabling people to merge with artificial intelligence.

The main barrier to human-machine cooperation is communication "bandwidth."

This means that using a touch screen or a keyboard is a slow way to communicate with a computer. Musk's new venture aims to create a direct "high-bandwidth" link between the human brain and machines.

Neuralink has been registered as a medical research company, and Musk said the firm will produce a product to help people with severe brain injuries within four years.

This will lay the groundwork for developing BCIs for healthy people, thus enabling humans to communicate by "consensual telepathy," which could be ready within five years.


Facebook announced that it is working on a way to let people type with their thoughts.
Thee device could work as a "brain mouse" for augmented reality (AR), removing the need to track hand movements to control cursors.

Facebook also focusing on developing some kind of cap that could track brain activity noninvasively, most likely using optical imaging.

Facebook said that, within two years, it plans to create a prototype medical implant that would pave the way for future devices.


Kernel plans to build a flexible platform for recording and stimulating neurons, with the goal of treating diseases such as depression and Alzheimer's.


Emotiv also produces a variety of software products that allow users to visualize their brain activity in 3D; measure their brain fitness; and even control drones, robots and video games.
More Information:
Source: http://www.livescience.com/59326-companies-investing-in-brain-hacking-tech.html

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