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7 лет назад

USA Far Behind Russia in Arm Race as Russia Will Launch HyperSonic Jets Faster Than Any Anti Missile System


Russia ‘will launch hypersonic jets faster than ANY Anti-Missile system by next year.This Will Lead Russia one step ahead In New Arm Race With USA

2 Secondly Vladimir Putin’s 7,000-tonne anti-submarine warship Severomorsk entered the English Channel today, sparking two Royal Navy warships to tail it.

The move by Moscow is just the latest time Russian ships have been sent through the Channel by Vladimir Putin over the past year.This Will Lead Russia In European Union.

The war Jets can reportedly zip through the air at Six Times the speed of sound.
By Laura Burnip
30th May 2017, 11:27 pm
Updated: 31st May 2017, 12:35 am

RUSSIA is said to be building hypersonic jets which fly faster than any anti-missile system, sparking fears of new arms race with the US.
The war jets can reportedly zip through the air at six times the speed of sound and are already in the testing phase, according to reports.

Military journalist Vladimir Tuchkov has said: “In Russia, the testing of actual weapons is already underway.

“Specifically, we are talking about the Zircon hypersonic anti-ship missile.”

Russia’s 3M22 Zircon cruise missile has achieved five successful flights so far, according to state media outlet Sputnik.

“It is expected to be added into Russia’s arsenal between 2018 and 2020.

“A speed of Mach 6 is more than enough of a guarantee to overcome any anti-missile system.

“This includes not only systems that exist today, but those expected to appear over the next two decades.

“Different sources place the Zircon’s range between 500 and 1,000 km.”

And he claimed the US was lagging behind, and could only hope to have hypersonic missiles by the mid-2020s.

BrahMos Mark II, a hypersonic cruise missile currently under joint development by Russia and India
The US has already tested an unmanned hypersonic aircraft, the X-51A WaveRider and said earlier this month it was accelerating its hypersonics research.

But Mr Tuchkov admitted hypersonic weapons posed “many difficult problems” as they are hard to control and can spin off course.
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