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5 лет назад

CryptoMarketAds - Democratic and decentralized electronic advertising

Crypto Market Ads is another market that comprehends all electronic cash showcasing and publicizing issues by associating distributers and advertisers of electronic cash in one spot (the market is as of now dynamic). A law based and decentralized electronic publicizing market - that is the vision behind Electronic currency market promoting. Our central goal is to not just set up the best market answer for publicizing and promoting electronic cash yet additionally make new blockchain (web of products and enterprises) for merchants and worldwide markets. The CMA organization needs to change the manner in which merchants sell their merchandise and ventures by making a genuinely worldwide P2P (peer) biological system where solid dealers, and accessible products and enterprises right away over the globe through the market arrange.

Crypto Market Ads (CMA) proposes to take care of these issues by giving a steady market that can circulate publicists and distributers together on a reasonable and popularity based market stage. Distributers and delivery suppliers will rival all extraordinary promoting and publicizing strategies, for example, offering the most minimal costs, solid reasonableness and on location correspondence. Promoters will almost certainly play out their showcasing and promoting efforts rapidly and dependably with the exception of huge monetary solicitations or enormous publicizing and advertising gatherings.

A majority rule and decentralized electronic promoting market - that is the creative mind and the forecast behind Electronic Money Market Advertising. Our central goal is to not just set up the best market answer for promoting and showcasing and publicizing electronic cash yet in addition make a system of products and enterprises for specialists and global markets.

The CMA needs to change the manner in which specialists advance their merchandise and ventures through the improvement of a solid P2P (peer) biological system, confided in retailers, and prompt things and administrations. quickly worldwide through a market network. CMA likewise needs to give intelligent online gadgets, for example, intuitive market development apparatuses and the first coin introduction stage (ICO) for business sectors to guarantee the achievement everything being equal. .

Presentation Ecosystem:

Market biological system Advertising of the current electronic currency market incorporates Publishers, Advertisers and Exchanges.

  • Publisher: Publisher who sells promoting, showcasing and other related administrations

  • Advertisers: Advertisers are organizations or people that purchase publicizing, showcasing and other related administrations.

  • Exchange: Need trade for liquidity - they will enable distributers to sell CMA tokens to win or purchase to publicize themselves and sponsors purchase for use on the CMA showcase.

In light of high market interest for electronic publicizing and showcasing, huge trades are required, who will keep up a high volume of procurement orders. Additionally, they will enable distributers to change over CMA token into other electronic monetary forms if fundamental.

The CMA market has an influence in the environment and wins up to 10% of the distributer's salary. Early distributers have the chance to diminish expenses to 0 for 1 year or lifetime if in any event 3+ ETH (Ethereum) contribute while the CMA is in pre-ICO and ICO stages. What's more, after ICO, expenses can be diminished to 5% by the CMA token key capacity. Note that when the ICO hard point of confinement is achieved, the CMA biological system can be created to incorporate the new blockchain for the market, assemble the decentralized market and the ICO stage for the market.

The CMA imagines the change of business sectors around the globe by beginning with an electronic promoting, advertising and administration showcase. The CMA will make a simple passage to the electronic currency showcase for any current or new online/ofine advertise as another electronic cash venture. This will build the use of blockchain innovation to different markets and organizations.


Our central goal with CMA is to make a sheltered, quick and simple to-utilize blockchain for products and enterprises through decentralized applications (dApps) to empower any market to actualize the undertaking. ICO or their electronic cash on the blockchain easily. This will enable dealers to give their information to a system of business sectors. It will likewise give individuals the influence of new decentralized markets, and freedom from existing offices by utilizing electronic cash and savvy contracts.

Ico details

Generated token: 10,000,000,000 CMA
Issued token: 5,000,000,000 CMA
Hard hat: USD 50,000,000
Accepted currency: ETH
Pre-sale: May 15, 2019
Semi-public: 12/06/2019





Find out more details about the project through the links below:

Whitepaper –https://www.cryptomarketads.com/CMA_whitepaper.pdf
Website – https://www.cryptomarketads.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cryptomarketads
Twitter – https://twitter.com/cryptomarketads
Medium – https://medium.com/@info_85454
Reddit – https://www.reddit.com/user/CryptoMarketAds
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuxX-rPnrI4j2KqybFk_-jQ
Telegram – https://t.me/CryptoMarketAdsOfficial

BitcointalkProfile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1529738

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